Airbnb general repair and maintenance

Level 1
Halifax, Canada

Airbnb general repair and maintenance

I'm hosting in Nova Scotia, Canada and I was wondering if/how I can claim general repair and maintenance time when I do the work myself?  I have done most of our general fixups/upgades so far for my one short term airbnb rental property with my wife (partnership - not incorporated) and I really should be able to claim my work time as airbnb expenses - right?   Thanks - DJ

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I suggested with taxes hire a tax accountant just if audited and you have been making n1 small mistake for 5 years the bill can be significant

Yes, it is worth it because if the owner performs any service that typically an outside company does for a fee that is considered a business expense.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Marie8425 and it must also count as income so what do you achieve?


That is why an educated tax accountant.  If you have a handyman business that sells to other customers then you would bill your rental and yes income for your handyman business but them expenses in that business.  If you are performing labor strictly for your rentals then the IRS does not treat your labor in any means as a gift.  Your time is considered a business expense.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Daniel13506 wrong again. Even if you could it would be a zero sum game as you would pay tax on the handyman income