All listings not showing

Level 1
Quebec City, Canada

All listings not showing


I am a traveller and recently a host ( October 2020)

I have just noticed that I cannot see any/no listings at all of homes when I search anywhere, anytime. I can see the picture, the price the map, but when I click on the link to see the actual despcription, it redirects me to airbnb's home page. I cant book, I cant look, and my profile is switched to traveller.


Also, same thing happens to the airbnb link on my facebook page, it directs people to airbnb home rather than my listing.

What can I do? 


Thank you,

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


As a host you have one active listing, which is in the search system and seems to be OK:


Do you mean you can not see any listing ?

Thank you! Yes, When I switch to my travellers account, as soon as click on a listing, it redirects me to airbnb homepage for a search. And when I try to access my own listing, it does the same. 

Thank you.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



If you are NOT logged in at Airbnb, can you then see a listing, like you own ?