An unfair review

Level 2
Tbilisi, Georgia

An unfair review

In May, my guest from ** entered the apartment late at night by self-check-in. I talked to her on WhatsApp and asked her if she needed anything. She answered that she didn't need anything. I was on the line all night. The guest reserved my apartment for one night, and in the review, she wrote that there was a frost at night and she felt uncomfortable. In May, the weather in Tbilisi was warm, and the heater was off. If the guest asked, it was easy to switch on, or I could go there to help. Because of a bad review, I lost my super host status. Airbnb didn't help me with the issue. On my listing, I got a note that there is a problem to fix, which is not right. I called Airbnb, and they refused to help me. Can you suggest what to do? lost faith that I am doing everything right.


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2 Replies 2
Level 2
Porto, Portugal

Hello, I'm very sorry for this negative experience,

In this situation, I can recommend posting a public response to the review this guest left for you.

Click Profile > Reviews
Click Reviews about you.
Go to the review you want to respond to and click "Leave a Public Reply."
Write your answer and click "Submit".
Your answer will be published immediately. Your answer is very important, because future guests will see it and understand the situation.


Hi @Baia0 

As @Elena4354 mentions, it's always good to respond publicly to a negative review and address the issues the guest brings up. However, your response was way to emotional...keep it factual and to the point. You are writing your response to reassure future guests. Keep the emotion out of it and just point out how the guest themselves overlooked options available to them and failed to reach out to you so you could resolve any issues. Unfortunately, once you publish a public response, you cannot go back and edit it. It's best to wait until you can create a non-emotional, factual response to a guest's comments. Put yourself in the shoes of a future guest who may be reading your response. Something like:


"We're so glad you loved our location. We're so sorry your stay did not meet all your expectations. We always strive to provide our guests with  a 5-star experience, as all our 5-star reviews show. We're puzzled you mentioned you were cold? The property has a heater and you could have turned that on to remain comfortable. Unfortunately, you never reached out to us about how to operate the heater? You mentioned the toilet leaked? Had you reached out to us, we could have addressed that immediately for you."