Arbnb ringtone customization

Arbnb ringtone customization

I don’t know if others hosts have experienced the same problems I have with Arbnb ringtone. To me it’s ringtone is very soft and since I receive many, if not most , reservation request throw out the night, I lose many opportunities for not hearing the Arbnb ringtone.

I have tried to customize it, but haven’t been lucky, does anyone know how can I work around to change the ringtone for something louder that won’t be easily dismissed, helping me to increase my chances of reservation since I will be able to promptly reply to requests?

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I like the Airbnb ringtone because it's different from the ones I use for personal use so easy to identify bookings coming through.


If you are missing requests, perhaps get a phone you just use for your STR business and then you won't message booking requests coming through @Roberta830  (obviously you will need to change your mobile on your listing).

it’s ridiculously the idea of getting a new phone just for the use of a single app, specially because the problem is not the phone, it seems u misunderstood the issue presented on this post, the point is the inability of customizing Arbnb ringtones, which it would help me greatly on my work with reservation. I only think it is something they should be open to take into consideration and if there is any work around to do this, I would be greatly appreciated to be introduced.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Wow @Roberta830 


What a rude response to a host trying to help you. 

you may see it as ridiculous but many business owners have a separate business phone 

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Roberta830  I have never heard of the AirBnB ringtone.  Is this the sound that your phone emits when you receive an SMS message?  If you have a smart phone, you should be able to download a new ringtone or select a different one and set the volume.

It’s the sound of any messages sent from Arbnb, whether from reservation request or reminds of guests arrivals. When we go to Arbnb notification sounds, there is no choices of sounds to choose, and the standard sound is way too soft. Many times when people send me reservation request in the middle of the night, I can’t hear the Arbnb sound because it is way too soft, to wakes me up. This is the only sound that can’t wake me in the middle of the night, even thou mobile volume is on its high.

I understand your frustration.


Why don't you just set up an event in calender every morning or at a time early at your convenience. Then add sound there. Or simply make a habit Og ikke checking your phone in the morning.

We have 24 hours to reply before any are lost. I don't have sound but alerts on and Airbnb app on top of phone signals new message or event.


If you still happen to miss important messages you dint need new phone.


You could make a new email just for these messages and use one of many free email programs for your phone. And set that message sound for new email to that adress to a suitable time sound for your needs.





The problem is, when someone sent me a request for a reservation in the middle of the night, which often happens, if I don’t reply right away, they go and try to find someone else that would give them a fast response! Most of my reservation are close after I respond right away, but If I’m sleeping and I  miss the Arbnb sound and can’t reply right away, that it , I lose! Even thou I try to get in touch to say I’m available to close their reservation, most of the time, reply me telling that already got with someone else.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Roberta830 Its great that you are so dedicated to hard work that you want to be woken up in the night. I fear however this will lead to burn out and I would advise you allow yourself sleep time.

To change the ringtone of the Airbnb app to make it louder and easier to hear, you can try checking the sound settings on your phone or use ** ringtone manager to Create a loud and unique ringtone for Airbnb.


**[Link removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]

These people who have answered you sound like they work for AirBnB and they are clueless to the problem or how to solve it. We have been dealing with this very same problem for months now. It drives us crazy. The app control does not allow any changes to the ring tone and neither does my samsung or my wife's iphone. There is no way to change it and AirBnB tech support is just as useless. I can't complain loud enough to get their attention. Everyone should be calling them and complaining. We really do need to get their attention and get them to FIX the problem in their programming.