Avoid same-day check-out and check-in

Level 1
San Jose, CA

Avoid same-day check-out and check-in

Hi guys, 


Is there a way to avoid guest check-out and check-in on the same day?   It seems like a really straight-forward and necessary thing, but the setting wouldn't allow it.  If you choose the 1-day preparation setting, it will actually block two extra days.  I tried doing it manually, but I can only block off the days the guest is leaving and cannot block the day a guest is scheduled to check-in in the afternoon.   Now I have someone checking-out and checking-in on Christmas day...


What is your experience?  Is there a way to do this?  Can we all rally and ask airbnb to adapt a setting to allow this?  


Thank you all.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Think nights, not days.

If the date a guest is checking-out is blocked (manually or automatically when preparationis set to 1 day) , no new guest can check-in on that same date (=book that night).

Level 10
Orono, ME

@John5068 If you have the setting checked: block one night before and one night after

Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 7.45.08 AM.png


The guest will be able to check in on the next day that a previous guest is checking out:


Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 7.41.22 AM.png


It will appear on your calendar as a prep day. So in this example below: A guest checks out on the 7th and a guest cannot check in until the 8th. On the back end, a guest arrives on the 3rd so another guest only has the option to check out on the 2nd. 


Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 7.49.33 AM.png

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

1 day prep doesn't block 2 days/nights, it blocks one. It is written in a very confusing way and makes it sound like you'd have 2 blocked days. What isn't explained anywhere is that the "1 day after" a booking doubles up as the "1 day before" the following booking. 

The way it should read is "Block one day between bookings", which is exactly what it does. For some unfathomable reason, Airbnb doesn't seem to be capable of wording simple things clearly.



Level 2
Denver, CO

We use this same setting, 1 night in between each booking to help with the cleaning and turn around. But we also have a minimum of 3 nights, so if there's a gap in between the bookings (say 2 nights or more), and its blocked we update the minimum night setting for just those days and perhaps add a discount. You just have to go into the calendar and manually select the day that's blocked and Enable the date to be available.