Booking system

Booking system



We have just started to fill in booking information.

We would like to be able to give details of booking ... day (start), price, minimum nights .... per season (high, middle, low).

E.g. during high and middle season we only allow week-long stays starting from Saturday.

During low season we accept minimum 3 nights ... and booking can start on any day.


Is it possible to fill-in such information without having to give details for each and every day? 

3 Replies 3

@Anne-Mette3   Have a look at this article:


There are many settings options that you can set as default or limit to a time frame. But you have to manually set the parameters for which date ranges you determine to be high, middle, and low season. 

Hi, We have checked out your solutions ... but did not really find what we are looking for. 

It is basically how to work with the AIRB&B calendar ... on the PC we are using.

I have seen some YouTube videos ... but they seem to be outdated? (older versions of the calendar).


Basically what we need is a step by step information on how to obtain:

During high and middle season we only allow week-long stays starting from Saturday.

During low season we accept minimum 3 nights ... and booking can start on any day.


It must be a common "problem" .... but we are beginners in this game ... sorry ...





Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anne-Mette3 Go into your account and switch on professional tools. The in your listing use rulesets to set check in and check out days and stay lengths.