Boost your listing in search results by...

Level 2
Beaverton, OR

Boost your listing in search results by...

Hi everyone!


All threads I've found about what actions increase a listing's rank in search results are 3 years old or more, so I'm starting a new thread.


I've been hosting close to 5 months now. I qualified for Superhost in early April and expect to see that updated on my listing at the next review.


I update at least one picture on my listing every two weeks, which has been enough to keep views and bookings coming in until now. I'm concerned because it is now high-demand season, so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.  ...or perhaps should be doing something I am not. Here's my listing: 

Even if this is happening due to the recent Airbnb updates/changes (which I don't think is the case given my kind of space), it seems to me I should be able to counteract whatever that effect might be by proactively taking key actions. I'm trying to figure out what the actions should be, and I deeply appreciate any guidance you have to offer.
Thank you so very much, and Happy Hosting to you all!
Laura in Beaverton, OR
Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



You might not think that the updates/changes would affect your bookings but I also host private rooms in my own home and my views have nose dived dramatically since the updates. I can see that I've gone from a very healthy number of views to hardly any at all. 


RE updating your listing or photos regularly to keep it high in the search results, I think that may be a bit of a myth. Although it is a few years old now, Airbnb did publish a topic here some time ago specifically about how the search results worked and in it they confirmed that tweaking your listing regularly has no impact whatsoever. I stopped tweaking when I read that and it made no difference to my views or bookings, so I believe I had been simply wasting my time doing that, but if you feel it works and don't mind, I suppose there's no harm. I also heard that it helps if people save your listing to their wish lists. Not sure if that is true or not.


Bear in mind also that, as a new host, you can expect to see an initial dip in views and bookings because Airbnb gives new listings a boost for the first month and, after that, you will drop in the search results. That doesn't mean you can't push it back up, but you no longer have that automatic initial boost.


What I have noticed (prior to these latest updates) is that enquiries often come in waves. I will suddenly get a lot of interest in the same listing for similar dates. When this happens, I suspect that I've had a boost in the search results. I think that the more bookings/interest the listing gets, the higher it appears in searches (which was also confirmed in the Airbnb article).


Also, I will suddenly get a lot of interest from a particular country. I host long term stays and, while this occasionally includes people from the USA, they never made up a large portion of my long term guests who were usually from the UK/Europe and Asia. In the last few months (again before the update) however, almost all of my bookings and enquiries have been from American guests. I do not know if this reflects a change in the way people from the US are travelling/living due to COVID (this would apply to many nationalities, not just the US) or because my listings were getting some sort of boost in their search results or both, but again it maybe reinforces that the more interest a listing gets, the higher it shows in the searches.



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15 Replies 15
Level 2
Beaverton, OR

@Helen3 @Huma0 @jennifer1774  @Mark116 @Andrea-and-Glenn0 


Thank you all for the useful info here. I really appreciate it and the time you took to share!


When last I checked, my listing was coming up in the first couple of listings for my town and also showing up in searches for the bordering city search. I think that was post summer release, though I can't remember for sure. Should have taken notes, I guess. 


As I've poked around I've found there are several new listings in my area through hosts already at superhost status. That could explain at least part of it. I discovered this a couple days ago so I listed a 20% off promotion for my open weekend in June. No takers yet. Odd thing is, my views have hardly gone up. When I did the same thing in March - not a high demand time - there was a dramatic increase in views immediately and it booked pretty fast.


I'm feeling convinced, now, that the recent changes are impacting my bookings. I'm fortunate, though. things have clearly changed but for me not stopped altogether. I'm certainly sorry to hear bookings have halted for others.


Hopefully it's not the use of rose-colored glasses that has me thinking things will get back to what could be called normal when guests have adjusted fully to the new look and workings of the platform. I think Airbnb is reaching for adventuresome travelers, perhaps with deeper pockets than those who would want my little spot, to show them there are wonderful alternatives to what would have usually come to mind. In serving that end it creates extra steps for folks who want what I offer. But they will figure it out. The need for what I offer is not going away any time soon. There's just going to be that adjustment time. It took me more than a minute to figure out how to search in the new layout the way I used to search.


Oh, answering a question I almost forgot. As best I can tell, my listing does surface in creative spaces and shred homes.


Thanks again!

