Cannot delete custom trip length preventing API connection failure - help!

Level 2
Charlotte, NC

Cannot delete custom trip length preventing API connection failure - help!

I had to temporarily disconnect Owner Rez, my PMS, so I could make some edits in Airbnb. When I went to reconnect, OwnerRez gave me an error message. Turns out it's because AirBNB created hundreds of custom length stays and I cannot delete them in Airbnb. It's preventing me from connecting to my PMS and causing a lot of issues. I followed a fix where I applied a rule set (2 night min and no check/in out Saturdays), but it still won't let me delete all of those custom length stays which means I still cannot connect with my PMS. I've called AirBNB over 3 weeks and they said it's a known issue but there is no fix at this time. Has anyone had this issue!?

Thank you in advance! 



1 Best Answer
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Lauren4068 

Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. I did raise your issue to the technical team and they've gotten back with some steps to try when you can--if the problem is still ongoing: 

First steps would be basic troubleshooting, which you may have already done. These are the what they've asked you to try: 
  • Log out (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Close all browser windows/tabs (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Open ONE new window (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Clear cache and cookies and browser history (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Delete & re-install app (if applicable)
  • Log into your account with email
Following that, the next step would be to reach out to your Channel Manager, and ask for them to review the sync connection/troubleshoot, in order to determine if something on their end is not being synched properly.
If the issue still persists, I can pass this back to the team. Since pricing settings are (for the most part) established via Channel Manager, and theirs can override any pricing settings done directly on the Airbnb platform, checking in with Owner Rez important info they will need. 



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5 Replies 5
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Lauren4068 

Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. I did raise your issue to the technical team and they've gotten back with some steps to try when you can--if the problem is still ongoing: 

First steps would be basic troubleshooting, which you may have already done. These are the what they've asked you to try: 
  • Log out (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Close all browser windows/tabs (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Open ONE new window (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Clear cache and cookies and browser history (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Delete & re-install app (if applicable)
  • Log into your account with email
Following that, the next step would be to reach out to your Channel Manager, and ask for them to review the sync connection/troubleshoot, in order to determine if something on their end is not being synched properly.
If the issue still persists, I can pass this back to the team. Since pricing settings are (for the most part) established via Channel Manager, and theirs can override any pricing settings done directly on the Airbnb platform, checking in with Owner Rez important info they will need. 



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Hi thank you for this information. I have tried all of the above and it has not worked. I still receive the same error message from AirBnB - not sure how to attach an image, the uploader looks a little cumbersome. 

I also reached out to Owner Rez and they agree it’s an issue with airBNB. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom


I've passed this  back to the technical team. If they request screenshots, I'll let you know 😊



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I was finally able to get it to work! I'm not sure what happened on the backend but I finally didn't get the error message when I tried to delete the custom trip stays. Now that's it's gone, I am able to connect with API

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

That is excellent news @Lauren4068🎉 



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