Cleaning fee

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Cleaning fee

I've been a host of a small cottage in my backyard in LA for 7 years. I've always charged a moderate cleaning fee,  $35 to $50. I'm thinking of getting rid of it.  I figure I'll raise my nightly rate to make up for it but wondering if other hosts out there have done it and what their experience has been. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Chris-and-Marion0  With a seven year history of renting, you should be able to see if removing your cleaning fee and raising your nightly rate 5-10% would garner you the same amount of income.  This would really depend on whether you typically have guests for a weekend or a longer period of time.  You will "lose" on the weekenders but can make up for it with those 7-10 day rentals.


I am slowly adjusting my rates upwards to do away with my (rather hefty) cleaning fee.  My guests are typically 2-3 nights with a scattering or one and two week rentals.  I think that I will be able to roll the entire cleaning fee in by the end of 2023 and still maintain the income percentage that I want to have.