Good morning,I am writing to you regarding a reservation for...
Good morning,I am writing to you regarding a reservation for March 1 - 2, 2025. We were unable to attend because one day prio...
Hello Community✌️,
I want to start the journey as an Airbnb Co-Host. Do you have any recommendations on where to start or connect with hosts?
Any tips are highly appreciated.
Best, Kevin
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Hallo @Kevin3262 , dort gibt es bereits die deutschsprachige Hilfeseite:
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For experienced hosts there is a special new Co-host platform.
That's correct @Till-and-Jutta0 😍
Hey @Kevin3262 - you can find the Co-Host platform here: How to find and become an experienced Co-Host on Airbnb?
I hope this helps,
Rebecca 🤗
Hey Rebecca,
thanks a lot!😊 Unfortunatley the service is only offered in the following countries:
France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Canada, the UK, and selected U.S. states (Illinois, Colorado, Arizona, California, and Florida).
Since im from Germany, this does not work. Do you have any other recommendations?
Thanks in advance.
Best, Kevin
Thanks! I see the co-host platform to find hosts is not available for me, since im from Germany. Do you have any other recommendation on where to find hosts and become a co-host?
Hi @Kevin3262 the Airbnb Co-Host platform has been rolled-out just recently in Germany. Perhaps it's only a matter of time until you find assistance there.
Sounds great. Are you sure it’s available in Germany? Where can I enter/ access the Plattform?😊
Hallo @Kevin3262 , dort gibt es bereits die deutschsprachige Hilfeseite:
Und dort kannst du dich registrieren:
oder dich zu einem Webinar anmelden.
Hallo Till und Jutta,
erstmal vielen Dank für eure Hilfe und die Infos. Ich habe probiert mich über den link zu registrieren. Leider hab ich die Info bekommen, dass ich nicht die Voraussetzungen erfülle, da ich noch nicht als AirBnB Co-Gastgeber tätig bin. Ich möchte unbedingt damit anfangen und bin quasi am Anfang. Habt ihr einen Tipp für mich, wie ich Hosts finden kann?
Ich bedanke mich und freue mich auf Eure Rückmeldung.
Viele Grüße, Kevin
You can't join as a cohost with Airbnb unless you are an experienced host @Kevin3262
If you want to become a cohost the easiest way is to get experience as a host first. Most hosts understandably want cohosts where they can check your listings and where they know you have the skills and experience to add value to their listings.
Thank you Helen😊
Does that mean that I cannot be a cohost at all by getting an invitation link, just because I never was a cohost before myself?
Hi @Kevin3262 ,
What Helen means is that the Hosts that are looking for Co-Hosts here in CC are usually looking for experienced Co-Hosts that have a certain experience and credibility to show for it - listings, reviews, SuperHost badges etc.
But even though you have no Host experience, I think that you CAN become a co-host if any existing Host sends an invitation to your email.
That should not be a problem. The only issue is the experience and "know how" that Hosts might ask from you. But if you find a Host who wants YOU to co-host for him/her, you should be totally OK to receive that invitation email.
Hi @Karlis3
Thanks for clarifying! It sounds like even without prior hosting experience, there's still a chance to become a co-host if invited by an existing host. I appreciate the insight on what hosts typically look for in co-hosts as well.
My Question: Since Hosts usually look for experienced Co-hosts on the AirbnB platform, where can I find hosts as an unexperienced co-host who would send ma an invitation to my email? where can I start looking for hosts since I cannot go forward on the AirbnB plattform?
Best regards, Kevin
Hi @Kevin3262 ,
Yes, you understood it correctly. You can become a co-host with an invitation.
Your question is tough to answer - the situation is the same as for a employer to hire an intern with no previous experience.
If you wish to learn the ropes and the working mechanism, then that would be still good and completely acceptable.
But if you would ask to be paid immediately then that might be a problem.. 😕
Please let me know your thoughts, as I am interested in your view on this and the topic in general - that might be a problem for aspiring Co-Hosts.
Hi Karlis,
Thanks for your message and for clarifying the situation. I appreciate your perspective on the matter.
I completely understand the analogy to hiring an intern with no previous experience. Learning the ropes and understanding the working mechanisms before expecting payment makes perfect sense to me. I'm definitely open to that approach.
While I'm ready and eager to learn the mechanisms without immediate pay, I do understand the challenge in finding a host who would be willing to give me a shot. If you have any suggestions or advice on where I might find such an opportunity, I'd be grateful to hear them.
Looking forward to continuing this conversation and exploring possibilities.
Best regards, Kevin