Critique my listing - Ammar in London, UK

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Critique my listing - Ammar in London, UK


Brand new to airbnb here. I posted my room earlier this month and had a great run of 10 days. Since then its got quiet, really quiet. Views have plummeted too. 


Link to post:


I'd really appreciate some constructive criticisms on my post from you guys. I have tired playing around with a number of variables to see if it changes anything but haven't had much luck.


Thanks in advance for all your inputs!





14 Replies 14

Beautiful place. This year bookings have been sporadic for us also. Would also welcome any good ideas. 

Thanks @Daniel-and-Migdalia0 


Have you dropped your price vs. last year?

Level 10
McHenry, IL

Hi Ammarr66,

your musing looks lovely. 
one Red flag. Get them a lock on their door!

i personally would never share a space with my bedroom door not being able to ge locked. 
hope this helps,


Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Bettye6 


Thanks for the pointer! I am going to try and change the doors this week so they lock.



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ammar66 Just check it is legal to put a lock on the door. Some jurisdictions do not allow it for reasons of fire safety.

Thanks @Mike-And-Jane0 


I saw this morning on here mention of it not being legal in NYC. Will see what the situation in London is.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Before you set up your STR business did you look at supply and demand for your sort of listing in your part of London. @Ammar66 

London in common with other parts of the UK is suffering from a major recession so demand for STRs are falling coupled with lots of new entrants like yourself is leading to oversaturated markets. 


New hosts get an artificial boost by Airbnb in the rankings for the first few weeks hence yore drop in fees/bookings . 

Level 9
New Delhi, India

Wow, very tastefully done! I suggest you put the washroom photos further down and change the order of the photos for a new perspective. Offer a discount to say the next 3 guests and aim for 5 star reviews and watch!

Level 2
Princeville, HI

I had the exact same thought about the door lock.  I would never stay in a place without a door lock.  At least a privacy lock that opens when you turn the handle.  

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Eva2518 


Thanks for your feedback.


By privacy lock, do you mean one that locks from the inside?


I read a few other threads yesterday. Some people suggested having a lock was fairly superficial as the airbnb host would have the key anyways. There was also talk about creating a trusting environment and creating that atmosphere.


This was along the lines of my rational initially.

If it is having an effect on booking through then I guess it makes sense to add it for prospective guests peace of mind?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Ammar66, Hope everything is going well for you and our member's suggestions have given you some useful insights!


Have you made any changes to your listing since the time you posted? How is it going with changing the doors?

We would be pleased to hear if you are planning to make any changes to your listing!




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi Bhumika


I have ordered the new door handles with locks, they should be arriving this week. 


I also ordered a couple of security cameras so hoping the 2 when I make changes on my listing will have a positive impact. 


Other than that, things are still a bit quiet. Couple of nibbles, thats it.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

@Bhumika I have now had the door upgrades so it has a lock. Listing has also been updated. Will see if this makes any difference or not.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Great news @Ammar66 !!! Thank you so much for updating us about this new development. 😄

Keep us posted on how guests receive this new addition and how it enhances their experience.



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