Double booking - not my fault

Level 1
Nashville, TN

Double booking - not my fault

Three times in the last 2 weeks (2 just today) guests have been able to request dates that are already reserved!  I have to apologize and ask them to book with me the next time they are in town.  What is going on that this keep happening?   Yes, they are Airbnb guests and yes, I do sync my calendar with Homeaway and VRBO.  Thank goodness I don't have automatic booking!!!


Is this happening to anyone else?

1 Reply 1
Level 10

Hi @Elaine617 

There have been a few posts re this lately.

I also synch my calendars, but early on I learned that the synch often failed. I have IB so that would be disastrous for me.

I am not particularly tech saavy but I make sure I always have my phone with me. when I get an alert that I have a booking I manually block the dates on the other platforms - even when the synch IS working there is often a delay of 5 - 10 mins.  It does not harm, when  (if) the synch kicks in, I'm just double blocked instead of double booked.   


I'm never inundated with bookings though, so for me it's no great hassle and I prefer the extra effort to ensure peace of mind...