ESA Dogs

Level 2
Sandy Springs, GA

ESA Dogs

Our cabin does not permit dogs. A potential guest sent an inquiry asking if we permit ESA dogs. Can we say no. The owners are highly allergic and use the cabin and thus the no pet rule


6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


According to Airbnb Rules you have to  get   Airbnb  Support  Give you an Exemption for Health Risk then you are Legal  saying no.  According too  the Federal Requirements Allergic is consider a health risk  just  follow the procedures so you are legally saying no..


Unless your property is in New York or California, you do not have to accept ESAs. I would add that you are unable to accept ESAs in your Addl House Rules. 




Emotional Support Animal: An animal that provides companionship, relieves loneliness, or helps with depression, anxiety, or certain phobias but is not required to have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities

  • Hosts are allowed to decline the presence of emotional support animals from a stay or Experience

Service Animals

If you want to also obtain an exemption for service animals, you'll have to contact Airbnb for an exemption. If Airbnb allows an exemption for service animals due to allergies/health reasons (I believe they ask for proof), I would add that to your addl House Rules as well. 

Thank you

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Cindy1599,


Thank you for reaching out for more information about Airbnb’s Accessibility Policy. We are happy to provide you with more details. 


At Airbnb, an assistance animal encompasses any of the following terms:


Service Animal: A dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.


Emotional Support Animal: Airbnb defines assistance animals to include Emotional Support Animals. These are animals that provide companionship, relieve loneliness, or help with depression, anxiety, or certain phobias but are not required to have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities.


Because Service Animals are not the same as pets and they serve a crucial function for their owner, Hosts are expected to reasonably accommodate reservations where a Service Animal may be present, even if their house rules state “no pets”. The same applies for guests traveling with Emotional Support Animals in California, New York State, and any jurisdiction where Hosts are required to accommodate Emotional Support Animals. You can learn more about this in our Help Center:


Hosts and guests should be aware that if the listing is located outside of New York, California, or a jurisdiction where Hosts are required to accommodate Emotional Support Animals:


  • Guests should inform their Hosts before booking that they have an Emotional Support Animal.
  • Hosts can charge pet fees for Emotional Support Animals.
  • If the listing’s house rules state “No pets allowed”, the Host may decline to have Emotional Support Animals in the listing.
  • If the listing’s house rules state “Pets allowed”, and the Host decides to decline an Emotional Support Animal in their listing they will be subject to cancellation penalties and review under our Nondiscrimination Policy:


Hosts and guests should be aware that if the listing is located in New York, California, or a jurisdiction where Hosts are required to accommodate Emotional Support Animals

  • Guests do not have to inform their Hosts ahead of booking or arriving at the listing that they have an Emotional Support Animal.
  • Hosts can’t charge pet fees for Emotional Support Animals.
  • Guests booking a listing in these locations can’t be discriminated against for having an Emotional Support Animal (such as refusing to book the guest or impose differential treatment on them). 


When a host has special circumstances that prevent them from hosting a person with a Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal, they may proactively request an exemption and we will evaluate their request.



Airbnb Community Manager



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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Quincy just to clarify my understanding as quoted by @Joan2709 from Airbnb's policy that ESA animals are not counted as service animals and therefore do not need to be accepted in an STR which doesn't accept pets.


Could you clarify as your guidance that you've posted makes it appear that Airbnb is saying ESAs are covered by it's animal assistance policy.?


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks for your question @Helen3. To clarify, as we say here (, our policy related to ESAs means that:
What we allow:
Unless the reservation is a stay in New York or California (USA) or another location where applicable law prohibits it:

  • Hosts may charge pet fees for a guest who is traveling with an emotional support animal
  • Hosts are allowed to decline the presence of emotional support animals from a stay or Experience



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