Error code: 404 - what's going on?

Level 2
Belfast, United Kingdom

Error code: 404 - what's going on?

I have some listing that are managed by a company.  They've been up for a month or two now. 

About 10 days ago, 1 listing went dark - the link just went to a page that said Error code: 404, and it could not be found on the website by doing a search for that location.  A week later it reappeared. The management company said Airbnb had to do additional verifications.


Then the 2nd listing went dark - same thing. It has been 4 or 5 days now.  We've had quite a few guests and good reviews.  So what was the problem?


What's going on? Is this really something that Airbnb does? Take down listings for a week at a time to verify things? I have not been asked to provide any additional info. Summer is the busiest season and this is eating into my ROI!!


Anyone have any answers?

5 Replies 5
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Sonia1912,
I just wanted to check in and ask if this issue has been resolved for you. Have there been any updates since you posted here?
Keep us posted.



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Hi @Sonia1912 

Generally Airbnb has suspended the listing. It is generally due to a guest complaint involving safety issue, undisclosed cameras, discrimination of some sort, or parties occuring at the property. They suspend the listing (s) while they investigate. You might want to contact your management company to see if there were any issues at the properties. 

Level 2
Belfast, United Kingdom

Thanks, @Joan2709.  Appreciate the comments.  Haven't had any issues, parties, and definitely no cameras. 

Hi @Sonia1912 

Sometimes guests contact Airbnb and not the Host when there is an issue, so you may not be aware of it. Did Airbnb give you any idea why this was happening when you contacted them?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I can only see one listing under your profile with no reviews. Has the management company set up your listing under their profile? @Sonia1912 


If it's an established management company there's no reason for Airbnb to have to verify their profile.


as @Joan2709 mentions it might have something to do with the companies other listings or any issue to do with a guest cômplaint on your listing under their profile . Are you listed as the host for the listings they manage ?