Extra guest fee-help!

Level 9
Wroxham, United Kingdom

Extra guest fee-help!

I am trying to add an extra guest fee to a listing. All the other fees respond and work but when I click on the extra guest fee nothing happens.


Unfortunately every help article tells me to do the same thing which no longer exists after the winter update.


any help would be gratefully received as I’m tearing my hair out on this.

Top Answer

OK @James2743 , I called Air customer service. Using a desktop, as I was, go to Menu>Listings, check the listing you want to change. Click the black Edit box, go to Fees and Charges, change your fee here. If that doesn't work, try changing it on your phone. Using this means, I changed Extra guest on desktop and Pet Fee on phone (Pet Fee did not show up on the desktop navigation).


Hope this helps. K

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4 Replies 4

Me, too. I was also not able to change the Pet Fee. Since we're trying to do this at about the same time, it must be an Air glitch that will sort itself out soon. I'm going to walk away and come back in a few hours. Kate

OK @James2743 , I called Air customer service. Using a desktop, as I was, go to Menu>Listings, check the listing you want to change. Click the black Edit box, go to Fees and Charges, change your fee here. If that doesn't work, try changing it on your phone. Using this means, I changed Extra guest on desktop and Pet Fee on phone (Pet Fee did not show up on the desktop navigation).


Hope this helps. K

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Thank you so much for sharing this, @Kenyne--Kate-0  😊


@James2743, please let us know if the step-by-step shared by Kenyne works for you.


All the best,



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Thank You. Worked for me.