Feedback on my listing - Andry from Plantation, Florida

Level 4
Plantation, FL

Feedback on my listing - Andry from Plantation, Florida

Hi everyone,


I’ve had a property listed for over two years and would love to receive your feedback and constructive criticism to continue improving it.


Here is the link to my listing:


Any suggestions regarding the description, photos, pricing, or any other aspects would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and help!


Best regards,
Andry Cruz

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Buckeye, AZ


You place is super cute and your reviews are awesome.

The only ideas I Would have is 

You say studio Guests say apartment.  Guests are correct haha, maybe your not showing yourself in the right place.  A studio is one room, your kitchen is a second room.

Your ad is written highlights tourist activities but reading your Guest reviews they mostly seem business related and they have found a hidden gem.

I read more than one review that highlights what a business traveler desires.

Clean - Business travelers because on a schedule have no patience for even minor hair in the shower inconvenience.

Bed comfort-  Your bed is raved about endlessly and comfortable linens.

Towels -More than one guest talks about luxurious towels

Kitchen Goodies- If your coming into a different state for 3 days of meetings not having to deal with coffee is a giant plus.

Patio-Many Guests commented on having their morning coffee or even working in a beautiful private courtyard.

Hi, Marie


Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback and kind words about my place and reviews!


You bring up some excellent points. I hadn’t considered the distinction between a studio and an apartment in the way guests perceive it, and you’re right. I’ll definitely adjust the listing to better reflect that it’s more than just a studio.


It’s interesting to hear that many of my guests are business travelers. I’ve always highlighted tourist activities, but I’ll make sure to also emphasize the aspects that appeal to business travelers, based on their reviews.


I really appreciate you pointing out specific details like cleanliness, bed comfort, luxurious towels, kitchen amenities, and the private patio. I’ll make sure these are highlighted more prominently in my listing.


Thanks again for your valuable insights. They’re incredibly helpful!


Best regards,


Just a thought but someone was talking about setting up a work station and another Host said that was a big deal to her sister.  The chair at the station is what the sister looked most closely at.  If you provided a sitting chair for work that got as much free advertising as your bed,  Haha

Level 2
Ashburn, VA

@Andry34 Clearly you put a lot of effort into getting the basics right, and you are successful.

It seems to me that the big question would be:

Is the extra effort that goes into creating the theme and offering the special packages worth it?
Have you had many orders for the special packages?

The ads for those packages take up a lot of time and photos. If there's not much demand, then the ads could be reduced to one small blurb: "Contact us for special decoration packages for your special event" with a photo illustrating one.

The same for the extensive photos of locations 10-20 miles away.You could reduce those to either a map illustrating the location of the unit, with attraction locations and distances marked. And move those photos to your house guide (online in ABB and printed in the house).

That would make the listing easier to browse. People looking at your listing likely have a good idea of how far your location is from various points--they probably found it by browsing the ABB map.

There must be a certain demographic that is attracted to the disco sort of environment--flashy colored lights lining the walls and ceiling of the bedrooms, etc. But there's just as likely to be a demographic that is turned off by that sort of decor.

Toning down the flashiness might lose some demographic, but a less flashy vibe might attract more interest.

Clearly you're providing a great experience for your guests. Take the above thoughts for what they're worth! Good luck!

Level 2
Winter Park, CO

@Andry34 I would say most guests care about something clean, comfortable and location desirability. 

Keep your description concise and highliight the best parts up front. I would think in your area, access and distance to the beach is pretty important. Mention that right away. What about access to restaurants or night life?


I was a little unclear on the amenities of the place it’s located. You mentioned 15,000 square feet. Is there a pool, hot tub, community gathering patio? Let them know about those amenities. 

I also wouldn’t mention the hotel being nearby. To me, hotels are competition. No need to give them a name of somewhere else to check out and stay there instead.


Finally, I agree that the packages are probably not worth the time and take up unnecessary space in your description. That’s not why most people stay at Airbnbs. 

Finally, the twinkle lights in the photo kind of put me off. A lot of people like twinkle lights outside. But inside, it’s think it distracts from the how your place looks. 

Level 2
Puyallup, WA

Hello @Andry34 


Being an Airbnb owner always provides unique challenges and feedback is truly helpful. I think some of the suggestions that have already been made, make sense regarding photos of maps and distinguishing  between studio vs apartment.  I also agree that the LED lights are a bit "disco-y."  Do you follow any Airbnb decorating groups?  I would suggest this to any potential and current Airbnb owner.  Decor is the 1st impression people get when they are scrolling thru photos.  When they see color schemes that are harsh, decor that is mismatched or appears to be "cheap" or even uninviting they will keep scrolling past a listing.  You have a red/black/white color theme with orange sunset artwork above the bed that doesn't match the colors or the theme and what appears to be a floral/butterfly decal on the wall - none of which flows or makes sense.  The photo of the bed w/towel art, are those towels blue or grey and how does that match your color scheme?  Either way, are you catering to a cruise ship guest or a businessman who needs a place for a few days - why would they chose your place over a more polished motel?  My point is, there should be some cohesiveness with your color & style choices.  Try adding larger scale lamps, a large area rug under the bed to ground it and possibly eliminating the bulky black couch and replacing it with comfortable chairs.  I think you should consider adding some warmth to the space as well by using medium wood tone night stands and dresser.  The R/B/W theme is very harsh.  I like that you have a nice table with umbrella but the white plastic picnic style table looks cheap.  I would remove it and since it's redundant and perhaps using that space for something else like a conversation area.  When I read "charming" and "retreat" I am looking for character and inviting, I am not getting that feel from the patio.  I would also not list the kitchen or bathroom "full" since they both are more efficiency. All in all, you have had a lot of success with what you have done so far based on the reviews so congrats on that!  Personally, I think you can probably increase your views, stays and revenue by knowing who you cater to, what demographic you are looking for, what price bracket you are trying to draw in and truly making your place charming!  If you need inspiration or design trends that will withstand some time, Pinterest is a great place to start or Airbnb design groups can also be helpful.  You have good bones to work with and lots of unreached potential.  It's very exciting!  Good luck!

Kimberly Greger