My property is having a change in Hosts. Current Host is no...
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My property is having a change in Hosts. Current Host is no longer managing Rentals. Is there anyway the property can maint...
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I have been with Airbnb for 7 years and a super host almost all of that time I have never had problems with his company and its program. I have always thought they were absolutely wonderful with their support people as well as the ease, and using their program to change the calendars or change wording in descriptions or whatever I needed to do
Now I find I have to probably hire a management company to integrate the use of my site. I have one fricking property.
I have called Airbnb support to help me at least find out where in gods green earth I can sign up with some company so I can change my calendar and do the things I normally did I have not been able to get a link to anything other than more information about what these integration companies do for you but not how to join them not how to talk to somebody about what it's going to cost me. There's not a person in support who can do that. Someone gave me this email address to address the problem and it was supposed to be the link I needed
This goes nowhere... no such address , try it and you will see what I mean. I am 78 and not a wiz with much of these things but I am not completely a duffer . I have been trying to get this problem fixed for 4 days I can not link with Vrbo so I could get a conflicting reservation . I can't even block it with airbnb and neither can support!
Does anyone out there have some suggestions I have Safari not Chrome if that is of any interest
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on June 1 /23 I wrote about the problem I was having in trying to sync to Vrbo calendar so that potential customers would not double book ! After several calls to Airbnb support and several agents coming onto my screen and several people trying to help I was still not able to get control of my site . I thought it was an age thing but It wasn't
I had to hire Ben to deal with things ' after several pointed questions he was able to learn that support said I had a "Channel Manager " called IGMS, This company or term I had never heard of or never contacted or knew what they did !! Airbnb was of no help but after several more pointed questions we realized we had to get rid of them
This is How Ben did it
1. Go to your logo on top Rt of screen ( mine ie my picture) Click it
2. Go to Accounts
3. Go to Privacy and Sharing
4. Look above and see Services click it
5. See Connected Services
If there is is any companies in this area click Remove
...and that's it ! You are back in business Go back and sync your calendar , block or unblock any dates you need to ergo Make changes to your site
To bad Support couldn't figure this out !
Thank you all that tried to help I so appreciate it .Hope this will help someone else!
Thank you for posting this!!! I had the exact experience and it was very frustrating. This saved me time and money. Thanks again!
Welcome to the reality of AirBnBS! I'm glad you had 7 good years before the nightmares began - it only took one trip of a friend who had to cancel (and did so within the proper-allotted time) due to the dangerous neighborhood in Miami - the hosts stole $5333.19 from my friend. I have been through their customer service robo response system at least a hundred times. This is actually illegal, what everyone is engaged in. Practicing law without a license is illegal. Writing contracts that you have no clue about is not ok. Stealing and scamming millions of dollars from people is theft. No other nice word. These people are liars, grifters and thieves. Try a hotel, they will actually still be there when you serve them.
** Vacations, LLC will steal your money, and steal your booking. Double-booking is illegal and unethical. These dishonest hosts ** and **/sic try to change their names and the company name before the negative reviews are posted. Another bad AirBnBS policy. Two negative reviews, but apparently need to have three reviews to post, we are the third but can't post because the stay was cancelled and the 'hosts' have not returned the money... They are grifters, scammers, liars and thieves.
**[Name hidden due to privacy concerns - Community Center Guidelines]
@C160 if you really want to sort out your situation then this and the previous post is not the way to go about it.
Start a new post calmly explaining exactly what happened and then await advice. Don't put in personal information as it will just get removed anyway
You don't know what you are talking about. We paid money and it was stolen. TRUTH. I don't think I was asking your for your opinion, more grifters.