Kindly critique my listing to improve my hosting.
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Kindly critique my listing to improve my hosting.
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Why is my guest able to set a check-in time that is earlier than the check-in time I set on my listing?
He booked with a check-in time of 1 pm when the earliest I allow is 3 pm, and he is wondering why I can’t accommodate him when the system let him select a 1 pm check-in.
@Emily159 Was there a booking. request? Sometimes Airbnb sneak an early check in time into the booking request so you may have inadvertently agreed to it. If not then it is Airbnb stupidity.
I booked a place as a guest some months ago, and a standard prompt from Airbnb, towards the end of the process, encouraged me to write a message saying what time I would arrive. There was no mention of the host's check in time, nor of the fact that this was merely a Request! The would-be guest is given the impression that it's a done deal and she can pick her arrival time. If the system is the same now, it may have misled your guest. @Emily159
With short notice bookings, Airbnb displays the earliest check in by default, but allows the guest to edit that and select an earlier check in time. If you have Instant Book on, the booking will come through as a request, as you have to approve the earlier check in request.
As @Colleen253 mentions, Airbnb is trying to maximize your chances of getting booked on short notice. If you cannot accommodate the request, you should not accept it and hold out of another booking (if you can get one on such short notice.)
@Emilia42 There have been a few posts complaining about this. It seems easy to miss the earlier check in request, so the host inadvertently accepts. Creates confusion. Not sure how this all happens exactly, as I don't take short notice bookings so haven't dealt with this.
@Colleen253 The first time it happened to me I was confused as well because as you say it is not immediately visible. But I can see why Airbnb does this. I no longer take last minute bookings either. Too risky.
@Emily159 Also check that your check in time isn't showing as flexible. There have been several reports here of hosts saying their check in time mysteriously changed to flexible.
@Sarah977 Good point. I had that problem a while back. It was tied to making changes in booking settings. It was fixed, but could easily be back. It's a good idea for hosts to get in the habit of regularly checking on all settings to be on the safe side, since the platform seems to be continually bug riddled. @Emily159