Guest using Airbnb Address to apply for credit cards & car loan

Level 1
Clarksburg, WV

Guest using Airbnb Address to apply for credit cards & car loan

I just found out that my guest (short term 3 mths) is using my Airbnb Address for applying credit cards & car loan, I'm so not happy about it. Let me know if someone has the same experience and what to do.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

The way I deal with this is to limit rentals to 25 consecutive days or under.


Under this time frame I'm not worried if anyone uses this address to apply for credit cards because under 28 days is considered short term rental in my city, and so is not enough grounds to establish tenant rights. 

Thus if after 25 days and they don't check out, I can ask the police to come and evict them on grounds of trespassing. If I asked the police to come and evict them after 28 days, I would be told that they are already a tenant, and it is out of the jurisdiction of the police. 

Level 10
Manila, Philippines

Hi @Anita1193 


Report the issue to Airbnb and ask for guidance. If this violates Airbnb’s policies, they might intervene. 

Explain that the guest is using your address without permission for financial purposes, which could lead to future complications.


If you’re receiving their bank statements or loan-related documents, do not open them. Mark them as “Return to Sender” and drop them back at the post office.


If you plan on hosting long-term stays again update your house rules, add a rule stating that guests cannot use your address for official or financial purposes. Consider adding a clause in your message before check-in reminding guests of this rule.

Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


With a US Mailbox that actually comes down to did you give permission to use it.

I suggest Hosts do not because Airbnb cannot get involved because in general having a mail box is a contract between you and the Government to provide you mail.  As the actual owner of the mailbox, you are basically responsible for it's use.

I do a lot of longer mid term contract employees.  I allow door deliveries amazon and food but my mailbox is never included in a rental.  Since you have a concern, don't confront the guest.   If your right he will lie if your wrong then you just created a bad environment.

White lie, mailbox needs repairs so out of use until further notice.  If your asked what's wrong honest I don't know.


Even if not addressed in a lease,  is it OK to just tell them "Oh sorry this has never come up before, but now that it has, I have to restrict mail at this mailbox."?  If they balk at having to go get a PO box or whatever, ask them how much it is and pay for it... maybe $100/month.  or share the cost.  It sucks but if you didn't have it in your rental agreement, its sort of understandable for someone staying 3 months they might want to get mail there.  Not that you should allow that, but it should be mentioned.