Hosting with children

Hosting with children

Hi all,


My wife and I have a split-level home, and are looking to rent out our lower level. We'll have a family friend stay down there for two months starting in about a week, and will hopefully get a lot of feedback from them. We've also installed a door at the bottom of the stairs to fully section off the downstairs from the rest of the house, with a locking door on our side.


My primary concern is hosting while we have two small children, 4yo and -6 months (due in June). If you have children, you can imagine what kind of noise potential we have in our house. We're planning to provide some disposable earplugs as well as a sound machine for guests. Are we crazy? Is this a terrible idea on our part?


Thanks in advance for any support you might be able to provide. We're eager, but ignorant still to the experience of hosting.

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Scranton, PA

Simply state in your listing you have a child/children and you may hear some crying, running around, etc.  If they book, great! If they don't, someone else will if  it's fine for them. Good luck!