HELP! Preparation time is not working

Level 2
Castro Valley, CA

HELP! Preparation time is not working

We have a preparation set to 1 day,  but it’s disregarding it and still allowing same day check ins.  

We also use IGMS for management, and its setup the same way there and within Airbnb.  We can’t get cleaners that short notice.  We have been blocking it manually when we remember, but sometimes we forget and a reservation sneaks in,, 

BA House Cleaning
2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anita-and-Nermin0 I am afraid it will be a nightmare sorting this out. Using two providers will always allow both of them to say the other is at fault. Can you switch off IGMS (I've no idea how this works or what it is) and see if Airbnb works properly?

Hi @Anita-and-Nermin0 


Agree with @Mike-And-Jane0 ,  you probably should try not using advance prep day on IGMS and just set it on Airbnb only. See what happens? As @Mike-And-Jane0 state, sometimes the software between Airbnb and 3rd party channel managers do not "work and play well together" 😁