Hi! I have been an airbnb host for years but this past few months I have run into so many issues with airbnb.
THIS specific one is that I have NO custom booking details on my calendar for my listing. However, it shows when someone tries to book there is a 14 night minimum. There is NOT. Thankfully one guest was a returning and told me and has been patient while I figure it out. I have reached out to airbnb more than once and they literally will not help me. Won't reach out to guest. There is absolutely nothing on my side showing there are any custom settings. Airbnb confirmed this. However, sure enough...if you go to book it says 14 night minimum. I even took off instant book thinking maybe the guest can ASK me to make accommodations and I can approve but nope wont do that either. I am losing so much money and airbnb is not helping at all. I am desperate. Any suggestions?