How do I edit my promotions in the new format?

Level 6
Tempe, AZ

How do I edit my promotions in the new format?

I like to start with minor discounts ("promotions") and increase them as the dates near,  if they aren't booked. I don't see any edit options. Where is the sliding tool that has the discounts on it? Gone? Thanks for any advice. 


1 Best Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @RoniSue0 @Dan211 @Rachel1472 ,


You can now set your custom promotions in the new Calendar settings section (click on the Settings icon, then 'Pricing', then 'Promotions'). Once you set custom promotions, these will be visible when you edit the relevant calendar dates. 


Currently, you may not be able to edit custom promotions. If you wish to change your discount percentage, you will need to delete and create a new custom promotion.

I hope this helps!



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7 Replies 7
Level 9
New Delhi, India

Great idea. I shall go figure it out and let you know, too. Sangeeta Singh 

Level 2
Forest, VA

Did you ever get a reply because I would like to know this too?  I'm so irritated when they make these changes and it's not intuitive.

I agree,  they make changes and make no mention of how you need to relearn how to do everything.  They made it worse.. 

Level 2
Beachwood, NJ

Yes, I'm also not seeing any option to edit custom promotions as we had been able to in the past 😞


Hoping there is a solution for this soon...

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @RoniSue0 @Dan211 @Rachel1472 ,


You can now set your custom promotions in the new Calendar settings section (click on the Settings icon, then 'Pricing', then 'Promotions'). Once you set custom promotions, these will be visible when you edit the relevant calendar dates. 


Currently, you may not be able to edit custom promotions. If you wish to change your discount percentage, you will need to delete and create a new custom promotion.

I hope this helps!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thank you for responding and confirming that it's not possible to edit promotions now. To edit mine, I have started deleting them, then setting new ones. This is less convenient than it used to be. I hope it will be possible to edit them soon. Thank you. 


Yes but if you remove a promotion, you cant add it back if it is within a certain amount of days.   What is the rules on deleting promotions and adding them back exactly?  When will they fix the ability to edit.