How do I remove the Spanish language version of my listing ?

Level 2
Los Dolses, Spain

How do I remove the Spanish language version of my listing ?

I have created my listing in English only.


I have not added any other languages but now that my listing is LIVE - I have received inquiries in Spanish which I do not speak.


 I can see that my listing has been translated into Spanish but I cannot field these enquiries. 


How do I remove the Spanish language version - it seems to have been created automatically.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Helen285,


I haven't experienced that happening myself. I temporarily added another language version of my listing and this is how I deleted that.

Maybe that might work for you.


Click on "Host" and then on "Manage listings" in the menu. Then click on the "Manage listings" button for the listing concerned.

Then scroll down to the "Description" section and click on the "Edit" button for that.

If you now see both the English and Spanish language versions check if there's a little bin icon next to the title of your listing in Spanish.

If there is, click on that to delete the Spanish version and then click on "Save".


If that doesn't work you can contact Airbnb customer service.


Alternatively you could use Google translate to translate the messages and reply in English.

I've received requests in French and Japanese. I responded in English, accepted the requests and everything went well.



Level 1
Hendersonville, TN

Same thing just happened to me on my iPhone 7+


HELP!!!    I need English -not Spanish!!!

How do I change back to English???

Level 2
Los Dolses, Spain

Not managed to change this at all.

Not a massive problem to be honest since UK travellers have been few - I have hosted Spanish guests and that's worked out well until the last one concealed a pet in my NO PETS property. loads of damage done and not a penny from guest or from AirBnB !! fantastic.