How to block future dates?

Level 3
Baltimore, MD

How to block future dates?

With the updated calendar, I'm now unable to block future dates that are beyond my 3 month window. They are already "blocked" so I'm not able to block them further. Meaning, when the 3 month window opens, the dates I wanted to block will automatically open up. 


I asked super-host support about this, and they said my only option is to use snooze or open up 6 months. Neither of those are good options. Snooze is only 1 time frame. And my family doesn't plan our vacations 6 months in advance so we'll lose dates that we wanted to go to our place. 


I feel like I have to be missing something, I used to be able to block future dates no matter what my booking window was. Has anyone else seen this issue?


60 Replies 60

@Joan2709 It must be. Maybe Pro tools? I'm not using pro tools at the moment. 

At any rate its the little things like this that can create stress or make it easier. I'm glad we are on top of it!  At least we have some work arounds. I'll give pro tools a look again. 

While I'm set in my ways I do appreciate what others are doing and their suggestions, as I like to explore different approaches.  


For me being stress free is very important so I prefer the most stress free guest even if it includes less earnings. 

BTW I've been to Kalamath Falls! Long time ago but fun to think back on that, right after I finished college and wanted to move to that area! 😀 Probably should have! 

I with you! The less stress the better!


Both Klamath Falls and Sequim, WA are just beautiful!  I used to live in Colorado for many years and loved it too. It still holds a special place in my heart 😊

I'll add that I recently looked at a simular listing of mine. Its the first one that Airbnb says is similar. The host is charging almost twice as much as mine, on the first page of search results and has the 3 month window. Mine gets priority for guest who plan way in advance. If I use Smart Pricing Airbnb tries to lower the price too low for most popular time simply because they want a booking so they can charge their card and start earning interest or however they invest the money as they charge at time of booking partial or full payment. But host don't get paid until 2nd day of reservation. 

So some host manage quite well with 3 month window. They may also do it for other reasons. 

Still I'll prefer guest who plan way in advance, and don't want to risk falling off the map. I also like to make my listing the kind of place I would love and also look for good value. Not complaining. 

I think your strategy is a good one! I'm a big advocate of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"  What you are doing is working for you! 


It's always good to be aware of other strategies and have a plan to implement them if need be. What works for you or I will not necessarily work for another host. I would definitely take a look at Pro Toos & Rule Sets as they can help eliminate gaps in your calendar. That said, be very careful using them, as some hosts (and co-hosts like me 😊) misunderstood how they work and had costly consequences as a result. I definitely went to the "school of hard knocks" when it came to using Rule Sets! 🤣



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@John5097 @Sean1030 @Joan2709 

Now I am totally confused and p****d off. All was well with my calendar until I joined in this conversation. NOW my monthly calendar only has two choices and I ONLY get the 3 choices in my multi calendar (available as I use pro tools). This is NOT how it was yesterday when I checked (honest). I guess at this rate I may lose the 3 options altogether sometime tomorrow!

Anyway I advise all to switch on pro tools as they also bring rulesets which are great fun.


Oh I believe you. Probably just rolled it out over here first. 

It would be nice to have a tool to block recurring dates each year. For example some holidays. Maybe that's in pro tools. Up until now the regular non pro worked best for me. I have changed recently and use a hybrid form of smart pricing now so making far more pricing adjustments so have been meaning to look at pro tools again. For 2023 and 2024 I'm leaning more towards value so not as much need for seasonal adjustments.  


Well thats quite the coincidence 😉!  It was probably only a matter of time though. I know the new software was going to be released to all hosts by the end of August. Those that opted in early have been dealing with this for awhile.


As @Mike-And-Jane0 mention, Rule Sets will enable you to prevent a booking on a holiday (or any other day for that matter), even if the date is outside your booking window. Simply apply a "no checkin/or checkout Rule Set for the date(s) in question. Then as your rolling calendar opens up, the Rule Set remains and will block the date. This is another work-around if you desire to use it. You could also increase (or decrease) a price by a set % amount and allow someone to book the date, but at a much higher price to make it worth your while to let it be booked.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Joan2709 Just in case people get confused the no check in or out will not block a particular date - It just stops the host having to work on that day.

Thanks @Mike-And-Jane0!

I was not aware of that! I have several Rule Sets that I have used that prevent a guest from booking a date using that no check-in/check out on say a Monday?  That prevents a guest from choosing Monday to check-in and another guest from Checking out on a Monday. This essentially blocks the date....or so I thought. 🤔


I'll have to go check that now using the Guest view calendar and make sure it is working the way I want.  I'll come back here and let you know if it does block the date. 

Hi @Mike-And-Jane0 


You are right! Thank you!


I just checked my Rule Set and it won't work to block the date unless you apply a Rule Set that restricts check-in and check-out on the same day and a min stay restriction to any other days that might check out on a paticular Monday. That is too much work!     


We were using no Monday checkin on a few days due to cleaning schedules. Guests can checkout, but not checkin.  

Monday No Checkin.png

@Mike-And-Jane0 , @John5097 , @Haider1 


Thank you! I think you found the answer for sure! Looks like the ability to block dates past a 3 month window (or any availability; 6mos, 9mos 12mos) are only available if you have Pro Tools turned on and use the multicalendar to block dates past your window (you can't use the standard calendar). I just checked this morning. The standard view calendar does not have that option any longer for any dates past our booking window of 12 months (not sure if it works that way for "all future dates, but not sure many would be using that).


Since all Hosts can use Pro Tools now (used to be only if you had 6 or more listings), that appears to be the solution for everyone now. Even if you only use Pro Tools and the multicalendar to accomplish blocking dates past your window, it would be a real time-saver and definitely worth doing it.


How to Use Pro Tools, Rule Sets & Multicalendar


This is the best answer we have for now. Good call!

@John5097 , Good thinking! You can use another synced platform to block dates on the platform you are using. If your goal is just to block dates for personal use, that would definitely work. That way you accomplish the goal of blocking the dates for personal use by using the other platform to do that for you. This way you are not having to price the dates at $9999. However, if you are only listed on Airbnb, that obviously isn't an option. 😉


I think it would still be best to use Unavailable by Default and then manually unblock the dates you want. Trying to switch back and forth between the 3month or 6month options seems a bit time-consuming and uncertain, than if you just chose Unavailable by Default and manually unblock the dates you want to be available. Everyone will have to decide what's best and most efficient for them.


You could briefly turn off Instant Book (if using) and play around with the different work around options and see how they work on your calendar. Then once you are satisfied your method is working for you, then turn Instant Book back on.

Level 2
Gunnison, CO

I’m having the exact same problem. Thanks for posing the question. 

Hi @Colleen408 

@Mike-And-Jane0 found the easiest way to do this is by turning on Pro Tools and using the multicalendar (not the regular calendar) to block future dates. I re-posted their solution below:


Thank you! I think you found the answer for sure! Looks like the ability to block dates past a 3 month window (or any availability; 6mos, 9mos 12mos) are only available if you have Pro Tools turned on and use the multicalendar to block dates past your window (you can't use the standard calendar). I just checked this morning. The standard view calendar does not have that option any longer for any dates past our booking window of 12 months (not sure if it works that way for "all future dates, but not sure many would be using that).


Since all Hosts can use Pro Tools now (used to be only if you had 6 or more listings), that appears to be the solution for everyone now. Even if you only use Pro Tools and the multicalendar to accomplish blocking dates past your window, it would be a real time-saver and definitely worth doing it.


How to Use Pro Tools, Rule Sets & Multicalendar