I am brand new to AirBnB hosting and just decided to upgrade...
I am brand new to AirBnB hosting and just decided to upgrade to smart lock. I got Schlage Encode Plus and the lock works real...
A number of people have told me they can't find my listing when they want to book with me. I told them about using the filters, looking for the headline and the lead photo, and usually they still had trouble. An Airbnb help desk person told me that all hosts have a listing number (I now know what mine is), and that typing www.airbnb.com/rooms/yourlistingnumber will take potential guests straight to your listing. I'm suggesting that an easier way would be to have a "key word" feature behind the search button that, along with the name of the city, could use the first few words of the listing headline to find a specific listing quickly and easily. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea, please let the Feedback people know.
thanks, Marilyn G
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Hi Marilyn!
Actually, you can create a Custom Link (Under Listing Details) on Airbnb. We use this and some hosts use the custom link for their social medial accounts (facebook, Instagram, etc). Airbnb Help Article and screen shot below:
How Do I Make a Custom Link for My Listing
Where did you find your listing number?
Go to your Airbnb app
Click on your property
Scroll down to “Custom Link”
Think there is one there already but you can change it to whatever you want.
In 2023 this is still an issue!!!! I used this website
to make a free QR code. I put it on the back of my cards from VistaPrint and have it at the home I rent. All they do is keep the card and scan it and tada!!
All you need is your link.
Go to your Airbnb app
Click on your property
Scroll down to “Custom Link”
Copy it and paste in the QR web page above.
Ypu can screenshot the QR made and it works great.
simple solution: Search in Google.
Search for "airbnb" and the city name and the listing name and it will take you right there.
What worked for me is to go to my listing, click on edit listing and then look at the url. You will see a number in tha url. Copy JUST the number, then use the link others have mentioned, and paste just the number in where this says your listing number.
I fully agree. Airbnb does a disservice to owners and guests by hiding this so well.
Hi Marilyn!
Actually, you can create a Custom Link (Under Listing Details) on Airbnb. We use this and some hosts use the custom link for their social medial accounts (facebook, Instagram, etc). Airbnb Help Article and screen shot below:
How Do I Make a Custom Link for My Listing
I totally agree with a key word search. We stayed at a place that had a dolphin pool in the past and would have searched for 'dolphin pool' in the same area again if that had been an option. I think it is crazy that guests don't have that option. Some people don't know about the filters or don't bother with them and end up giving up.
How do you find your listing number?
A search engine that would find names would be so helpful--how do I make the suggestion to Air BnB?
absolutely! airbnb: please make it easy to locate a particular rental!!