Co-host Damage coverage

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Co-host Damage coverage

Hi there, 


I followed Airbnb's recommended co-host selection process, believing I was taking the safest approach. By entrusting this individual with my property keys, I now face significant consequences—specifically, substantial damage to my brand-new kitchen. I am deeply concerned about the financial and professional implications of this incident.

- Who will be financially responsible for the kitchen repairs?
- What accountability measures will be taken against the co-host for their destructive actions?

This experience has severely undermined my trust in Airbnb's platform. I expect a comprehensive explanation of how Airbnb will prevent such incidents in the future and protect property owners from potential misconduct.


Top Answer


Sorry this happened....Whether Airbnb would be responsible for covering damages would probably depend on what damage actually occurred and how it happened? 


- Have you contacted Airbnb and reported the damage and the Co Host?

- Have you documented the damage and can you prove it was caused by the Co Host?

- Do you have your own Short Term Rental Insurance (separate from Airbnb) where you could make a claim?


Host damage protection only applies to guests. Airbnb Host liability insurance does cover injury to a Co Host on your property, but not sure it would apply to "damage". 


Host Damage Protection


Host Liability Insurance


View Top Answer in original post

5 Replies 5


Sorry this happened....Whether Airbnb would be responsible for covering damages would probably depend on what damage actually occurred and how it happened? 


- Have you contacted Airbnb and reported the damage and the Co Host?

- Have you documented the damage and can you prove it was caused by the Co Host?

- Do you have your own Short Term Rental Insurance (separate from Airbnb) where you could make a claim?


Host damage protection only applies to guests. Airbnb Host liability insurance does cover injury to a Co Host on your property, but not sure it would apply to "damage". 


Host Damage Protection


Host Liability Insurance


Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi Joan,

Thank you for your response.

I did provide all the necessary evidence to Airbnb, but their reply was that they couldn’t cover the damages since they were caused by a Co-host. Unfortunately, this highlights a major issue with the Airbnb Co-host program, which I find to be unreliable. Based on my experience, I strongly discourage working with strangers from that pool since the obligation list below wasn't respected!




Thank you for bringing this up and I had not even thought of this scenario. Perhaps Airbnb will make a change to the Co Host program to address these types of situations.

Level 5
Nairobi, Kenya

Hallo Voldo?

This is unfortunate incident, l have forwarded your message to team, hope this will be addressed,

Please keep me posted.


Hello Naomi. The host should contact customer support first. If they’re still seeking assistance you can forward the host details to my email

l had forwarded the massage to my community manager, above 👆🏽 is her response