How to turn split stay off?

Level 8
West Hollywood, CA

How to turn split stay off?

I don't want to book a split stay. I want to book a stay in one place.


There is no option to turn this "feature" off. It is not a feature to me, it is a bug that needs to be removed. If I want to book multiple consecutive stays, i can just do that on my own. This so called "feature" is making the site impossible to properly use and navigate.


I will just stop using airbnb if they don't add the option to turn it off.

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



IMO, the split feature doesn't work as it was originally advertised which was to offer guests choices to stay in two disparate spaces within a specific geographical location to get richer experience of the destination.  I've seen recommendations for two spaces that are next door to each other or located in different countries or islands.  For example, St. Lucia and Martinique are just 22 nautical miles apart, and both have a French colonial, but there is not governmental connection nowadays.  Many people think all islands in the Caribbean are part of the same country like the Bahamas or the Philippines, but Martinique is a French overseas territory and has different entry requirements for travelers than St. Lucia (still a member of the British Commonwealth).  Just imagine how guests may feel when they've booked a recommended split holiday, and find that they can't travel to one of the destinations, because they thought they were visiting the same country only to find out that a visa and health travel insurance is required for one location.


View Best Answer in original post

74 Replies 74
Level 1
New York, NY

Please give us the option to disable the split stays feature. It is horrible and a massive waste of my time when i’m searching for apartments.


That + the inability to filter by apartments with balconies / outdoor areas is pushing me over to VRBO. Please fix this!

I hate it, please make it so you can turn this "feature" off.

 Also this is what came up when I googled how to turn Air BNB split stay off.

I fully support the request to remove the split feature. It's bug -  not a feature and makes the site almost unusable!

Level 2
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

How to turn this feature off?

Level 1
Redwood City, CA

Why is it marked as "Answered"? It's not answered, and it's certainly not fixed yet. Like so many others, I despise this feature. Please please please, Airbnb, turn it off or make it optional!!!!!

I agree. No way is this "answered"!


I HAAAAATE this "feature" with a vengeance. On some searches,  I don't get ANY single stay options and am forced to waste time wading through split stays in which I have no interest.


This is a prime example of a company not listening to its customers and actively driving them away. I come back every now and then to see whether they have provided the option to turn this off but unless they do, I will try to use other sites for bookings.

Level 1
Los Altos Hills, CA

I can’t believe Airbnb has had the feedback on this annoying feature for so long and taken zero action. I am trying to book a stay and the map is cluttered with these things making the task impossible. Clearly this is of more benefit to Airbnb than it is for their users or they would have given the option to switch it ON!


Companies that get to be this arrogant need to receive feedback in the only way they listen.  Use them as a last resort!

Agree 100% this makes the whole experience twice as long.


Who wants to split between accommodations facing each other as the logarithm is suggesting for me?


About to revert back to, more expensive but less frustrating.

Level 1
Stockholm, Sweden

I agree that the split stay “feature” is a really bad one. At least if you cannot turn it off.


We are two families with kids trying to book a stay and we get 400+ results, but 99% of them are split stays, which we don’t want. Kids and all.


So us finding a place to stay at suddenly became very difficult…

Level 2
Liverpool, United Kingdom

This feature makes it so much more time-consuming to use the site. Come on Airbnb.... give us the option to filter them out!!!
Whilst I'm commenting here, it would be great to off a 'with, without or dont care' approach to your search filters, to help users to navigate the sometimes hundreds of available properties. For example:
- I switch the hot-tub filter on... I review the 100 properties.
- If I then switch it off, I go back to the 1000 results including the 100 with hot-tub.
- If I could instead select without hot-tub, then I only go back to 900,  and do not have to re-review the 100 I already saw.
This gives users the power to break up their search results into more digestible portions. 

Level 1
Melbourne, Australia

100% agreed, annoying feature.

Level 1
Eden, UT

The worst feature ever. it's not helpful, it get's in the way of what I'm trying to accomplish. Need filter to have split option on or off. 

Level 2
Petersfield, United Kingdom

Adding my frustration to this forum. I have just been trying to find accomodation and the search by map is almost unusable. I have zero interest in moving accomodation during my trip. About 80% of the options are split stays. The accomodation is quite densely packed. I just can't see the non-split acomodation in among all the irrelevance.


Websites have filters so you can find what you want.  Obviously AirBnB decided not to include split stays in the filter, for "business reasons". It's not plausible that it wasn't considered as a filter. Thanks. Going to look elsewhere. 




Level 1
Karlsruhe, Germany

Two years later and we can still not filter this bs out. I want to stay for one week in Seoul and I really don't want a split stay, but at least every 2nd option on the map is a split stay...

Level 1
Raleigh, NC

June 2024 and there still isn't an option to turn off split stays. Lol, c'mon Airbnb! Listen to your user base! It's a horrible user interface to have all these split stays that basically no one wants and we have to sift through them to find the actual available places we might want to book. Why make it a horrible experience on purpose? Turn off split stays by default or at least give us a global setting where we can turn it off permanently.


Like the option to always show total price and that setting is persistent from session to session.