I want to end my listing

Level 1
Stockholm, Sweden

I want to end my listing

I no longer want to rent out my houses can you please delete them?

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Sabine1045 

Go to the Listings tab and click the listing. Look for the Settings icon at the top. The first option is Listing status. You can change it from Listed to Unlisted.


It's probably best to simply unlist as above. However, if for some reason you want to remove the property entirely and permanently, you can choose Remove listing at the bottom of the settings menu.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sabine1045 😊

I’m sorry to hear that.


What made you make this decision? How long have you been hosting?


Unfortunately, we can’t do this for you. Did Shelley’s comment help you understand how to do it?

Don’t hesitate to let us know!


Warm regards 🌻,


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