Hey y'all. I am Theresa and treading water in rapidly changing environment.
We own acres in Eagle Pass. TX, the number one destination in the U.S. for intended immigrants to seek refuge in America. 52% of current Border Patrol encounters currently occur in Eagle Pass.
This has brought a massive influx of agents/ officers/ police from other regions of the U.S. who are stationed here temporarily. Hundreds of people, into a town of less than 50,000.
We are out of hotel space. RV parks are full. National Guard live here by the hundreds, on cots, in tents, with worse conditions in Texas than soldiers endure in the Middle East.
I am an officer of Homeland Security trying to help a community achieve balance. I need to adapt/ react to a situation where people are trying to pay $300 a night for Motel 6, when rooms are available, which is rare.
Border Patrol agents are moving out of their homes, back to their parents, to rent their houses on AirBnB. In 2 years, we went from less than 5 listings to over 100.
I have some space. I have some resources. What I lack is technology and know how. My laptop crashed yesterday, and I'm eyeballs deep in debt, so must fix, not replace. Sending laptop out in this desert wasteland doesn't promise fast return.
I need a volunteer to help me set up our listing. We have 5 RV sites and 3 cabins. Specifically, I need help loading pictures and landing on the virtual map.
Also, can we advertise RVs? There are none listed in this town.
I'm 50, with a full time job, 70 acres to maintain, and have 3 teen boys--14, 15, and 16-- who originated from Texas foster care. I cashed in my retirement savings to build infrastructure.
Who can help? I'm pretty low maintenance, but have to get posted soon.
Thanks, Theresa .