Listing incorrectly showing no views


Listing incorrectly showing no views

Hey guys


since around 28th Jan which is around 3 weeks ago my stats are showing no views which I know is incorrect as I have had bookings in this time and also I asked a friend to view it for me.  I ha have contacted Air BNB support but they have said that there is no issue and I it is just that I have no viewings even though I have explained that this cannot be the case.  Has anyone else managed to find a solution or someone that can help?


many thanks


1 Best Answer
Level 10
Greenville, SC



Did you know that the dates you are trying to view do not represent the dates during which the searches were made, but rather the dates guests are looking to book? Also, did you know that they only look back from those dates for 90 days, so views, say, 4 months ago won’t be included in the count?


I was confused until I read in detail what “Views” means.


For instance today is Feb 25. The default date search is Feb 25 to March 24. If you change it to show check-in dates viewed after May 25 (90 days (or so) from Feb 25) views will be 0, because we aren’t within 90 days yet. If you look at views for check-in dates Feb 25 to March 24 (the default), but most of your bookings in that timeframe were booked more than 90 days ago, those days will also show no views, because it only shows views within a 90 day window, and so obviously the property won’t show up in any searches subsequent to the bookings already being made, and therefore will not show as being “viewed”.


I hope this makes sense, it’s kind of hard to explain.  It took awhile for me to wrap my head around it!


…and I do hope that we are talking about the Insights/Conversion/Views page, and not some other page.😛

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10 Replies 10
Level 10
Greenville, SC



Did you know that the dates you are trying to view do not represent the dates during which the searches were made, but rather the dates guests are looking to book? Also, did you know that they only look back from those dates for 90 days, so views, say, 4 months ago won’t be included in the count?


I was confused until I read in detail what “Views” means.


For instance today is Feb 25. The default date search is Feb 25 to March 24. If you change it to show check-in dates viewed after May 25 (90 days (or so) from Feb 25) views will be 0, because we aren’t within 90 days yet. If you look at views for check-in dates Feb 25 to March 24 (the default), but most of your bookings in that timeframe were booked more than 90 days ago, those days will also show no views, because it only shows views within a 90 day window, and so obviously the property won’t show up in any searches subsequent to the bookings already being made, and therefore will not show as being “viewed”.


I hope this makes sense, it’s kind of hard to explain.  It took awhile for me to wrap my head around it!


…and I do hope that we are talking about the Insights/Conversion/Views page, and not some other page.😛

Ahh I think you have solved this for me.  I have actually blocked out the apartment from the start of Feb so what you are saying makes sense.  I thought that like you said that views was to do with the date of when the guest was viewing the listing.  Many thanks for this


when spoke to support they were aware that my property was blocked out but did not say this!!


many thanks 


@Mark4574  Sure, Mark. You might find that at times we here on the forum have a bit more “time in the trenches” than some of the CS folks. It’s a good place to get questions like this answered (sometimes, at least).😁

Level 10
Stockholm County, Sweden

@Pat271 :

Thanks for explaining this - I definitely was not aware this is how the views work.

This morning I checked the attached graph, and concluded I was on my way into another ”invisible zone”. But if I understand correctly, this is not neccessarily the case? As the graph does not say how many views I had during the latest 7-day period, for weeks/months to come, but instead  how many views I had earlier, for stays during the latest 7 day period? And it may well be that I’ve had 20 views per day during the latest week, from guest planning to book later dates? 



@Trude0  I’ve described how it works under the desktop (or browser) version of the Insights tab, and similarly on the iPad app. The iPhone doesn’t have quite as much flexibility to insert different dates and timeframes. I’m assuming it’s similar for Android. I suggest you look at a tablet or desktop version so that you can try out more flexible and granular dates.


For instance, I have an opening May 4-10, so I put those dates in the date fields. Since we are now within the 90-day window, I can see how many people have viewed those check-in dates for my listing so far. Since we are not far into the 90 day period (I.e. only people looking from February 4 till now will be included in the count), the views will be low, but they will increase as time goes on and more people view the property.


I can’t comment yet about the phone version - I’ll play with it and let you know if at least the concept is the same.

Level 10
Stockholm County, Sweden

Thanks - I had a closer look at the graph showing future days, and see what you mean. For dates when I am booked, or have blocked my calendar, there are few/no views. For dates that are available - higher number of views. Thanks!

But I think it could be better explained in the heading of the graph, what it actually shows. For 4 years now, I’ve thought that when looking at the graph for the latest 7-day or 30-day period, I was seeing how many had looked at my listing during that period, not for staying that period… But maybe I’m the only one misunderstanding! 😄


@Trude0  I agree with you that it could be made more clear on the graph. The only reason I finally understood it is by reading this description from the info pop up on the desktop version for the various view descriptions:


Average page views


What it means


The number of distinct visitors who saw the listing page when searching for trip dates within your selected dates, during the 90 days leading up to those days.




That has been my understanding as well. I'm glad I found this thread as I contacted Airbnb about finding no views after 3 bookings for July/Aug and 33 wishlists the past month. It is confusing!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Pat271 


Thanks so much for stepping in to help out with this!   Much appreciated!





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The total page views for May 26 – Jun. 25 is up 208 compared to the previous 30 days


Hi, this is what it says one of my listing that was booked feb 2023-June 30th. but it has lots of views.  Total view is 230


I have 3 listings. the other 2 says zero views for the past month, maybe because its booked till the end of the month, 

but for the 1st listing above, its always showing i have lots of views and it was a long booking.


Please help