Listing not showing on Map search or list


Listing not showing on Map search or list

Why is my listing not showing on the map anymore when no dates or filters are added?  There are not so many listings in my area that it would no longer show. 


1 Best Answer
Level 10
Newport, RI

Hi Carole,


I found it.

Your calendar appears to be blocked up until May 6th.

I searched for dates after May 6 (May 19 for a week) and your listing appears.  Your place is adorbs!


- Deb (a fellow host)




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35 Replies 35

Mine have now appeared again. I had been in touch with support and they told me they were looking into it. It seems to have been a technical glitch. So it took about 48 hours to fix it. Like others have mentioned - I have contacted people in my area and the same thing was happening to them - and their listings have now reappeared.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Carole878 @Anne236 @Greg1992 @Ruthie12 @Frances3408 ,

Just checking in again to see, if the issue is resolved for all of you?

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Yes that issue is resolved. Thank you.

@Bhumika. Yes resolved, thank you. I did notify you back on the 11th below.


Although my listings are showing up again, they are not showing up when I put in  a search for beachfront and name of town, flexible, 2 people. Both mine are beachfront. Their March dates are not coming up in searches at all. So if I put in any weekend March town name and 2 guests, neither appear in 15 pages of bookings for the area. I have vacancies for March on both properties. One has a weekend. One has 5 days. If I put in any week in March, 2 people, name of town, others come up for 5 day breaks and mine does not.