Listing not showing on Map search or list


Listing not showing on Map search or list

Why is my listing not showing on the map anymore when no dates or filters are added?  There are not so many listings in my area that it would no longer show. 


1 Best Answer
Level 10
Newport, RI

Hi Carole,


I found it.

Your calendar appears to be blocked up until May 6th.

I searched for dates after May 6 (May 19 for a week) and your listing appears.  Your place is adorbs!


- Deb (a fellow host)




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35 Replies 35

My listening is no longer on Airbnb as well. Same issue as you. 

@Carole878. You are correct its a glitch. I reported this issue 23 hours ago to ABB Support (AEST). It has now gone from only one of my listings not appearing using a default no date or Im flexible enquiry to now (as of 15 mins ago checking again) ALL of my listings wont show without dates. My calendars are all open for next few months with plenty of availability.


Now trying to work out how most of others are still showing (31 out of usual 55 in a small town search). I am wondering if IB is at play as I dont use IB? Is not SH either.


Will update you when they get back to me but clearly there are a lot of us impacted. Its still summer here as well 😞

I haven't heard anything back yet and I am sure they aren't in any great hurry.  I don't know what IB or SH are so that isn't my issue.  My calendar has the same availability that it has had for months which really shouldn't affect anything when someone is searching an area without dates.  I can understand if my availability or other factors would make me show up much lower in the listings but there aren't enough where I am that I wouldn't show up at all.  There is no way for any potential guests to find me unless they are specifically looking for a Saturday/Saturday rental.  Many people are flexible and just  looking for a place and can adjust their days if they like it.  Thinking of checking out VRBO if they don't get it fixed because this is right about the time that people are thinking of their summer rentals.


@Carole878. Apologies for the jargon. IB is instant book and SH is Superhost. Just trying to problem solve by eliminating factors.


@Stephanie  I think more hosts are impacted and may not realise it yet so can we move this topic to Host Circle please? Thanks.

@Bhumika. Can you assist please?

We have been calling for days on this bug in the system. Seems to be more of an issue for one of our two listings but does seems to randomly strike.

Not on map or listings when dates are open and unblocked even though our neighbors listings are showing. Very frustrating having spent HOURS talking to agents through the SAME steps over and over. Ugh! Perhaps it’s time to host on and be done with this.

Keep trying to talk to someone higher up.  I chatted online with someone that kept telling my listing was showing.  It was not on the map at all!  They admitted it was a glitch in their system and fixed it for me and several others that were complaining around the same time.


I've just noticed this yesterday one of my listings does not show at all. Niether showed for about 24 hours and now one is back on and the original still not there. Went through 15 pages and many (most?) listings  were, new, not SuperHosts and some were as far away as 30-40 miles - lots of the usual listings not there as I check regularly.  I am a SH and on IB (instant book) I am pretty booked up and have 4 days available in March - but unless you put those exact dates in mine does not show up. I have ben in touch with support and they say they are getting back to me - but they are usually more speedy than this. Hope they sort this glitch out soon. It's a pretty significant fault.

Sounds very similar to what's going on with me.  I did notice a couple of the rentals near me that weren't on the map have started showing up again so maybe they are working on it on a case by case basis?  Whatever is going on it has me re-evaluating my calendar and I may make some changes but that really shouldn't be the problem.  People should still be able to find me when not searching with any specific dates.


@Carole878. My listings have all just reappeared. Maybe yours have too?

Yes!  Thank goodness.  We can only hope it stays fixed.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Frances3408 @Carole878 @Ruthie12 @Greg1992 @Anne236 ,

I have gone through this thread and found that some of you noticed that your listings have reappeared or have already approached Customer Support for it.

As @Deb216 mentioned, could these be also due to the calendars being blocked due to bookings on particular dates?

Please feel free to tag me if the issue still persists for you!!

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No, it is has nothing to do with the calendar and what dates are blocked or rented.  There were quite a few houses in my immediate area including mine that were not even showing on the map.  If someone searches with NO dates they were not visible on the map or in the listings.  If someone searched by specific dates and the home wasn't available that is completely different.  I order for the listing to even appear as an option someone had to put in the specific dates it was available. Hopefully now that the issue appears fixed it stays that way.  I have spoken with people here and several facebook groups that were all having the same problem.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Thanks, @Anne236 @Carole878 for getting back on this, will surely keep a keen eye on this thread in any case. So please feel free to tag me!

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@Bhumika. As per my post below yesterday it appears fixed. Sorry didnt copy you in; will remember next time.