Ad Description- Change your ad description to highlight what your market of STR is looking for A week at a modern condo with gorgeous views that is near sites or nite life. Invite the Guest.
Set an Airbnb Custom Discount on your calendar 20 % discount Airbnb does marketing which pushes you higher.
Your overall Review score is hitting borderline Airbnb Standard is 4.8 work on pushing that up. Refocusing your description will assist in correct expectations.
Instabook also gives you a push up. Instabook can be turned on and off, When I turn on I change my notification days so I have time to vet,
I don't know your area but if your near something popular Create a Guide book this you can populate with "Keywords" to help get you traffic from generic internet searches. Traffic is something the Airbnb Search counts when determining display.
Update your listing regularly everyone wants new not old and date modified is how a search engine determines new or old.
Make sure you have Airbnb Professional Tools as you make changes you can use the Insights Menu to see if positive or negative. Remember be patient I usually give a change a few days to get a good idea.