Medvärd / Co-host

Level 2
Osby, Sweden

Medvärd / Co-host

Hej! vill ha min man som medvärd men när jag klickar mig fram enligt instruktionerna så finns inte "lägg till medvärd" Finns det någon som kan tipsa mig hur jag ska göra

Hälsningar Ulla

Hello! want my husband as a co-host but when I click through according to the instructions there is no "add co-host" Is there anyone who can advise me how to do

Greetings Ulla


Google translation added by OCM

1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Ulla369! Were you able to get this worked out?


This article from the Help Center might be useful if you haven't given it a look just yet >>



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