My calendar?

My calendar?

HI.  I am fairly new to hosting on AirBnB and for the first time, I seem to have a problem with my calendar.  People are trying to book and they are asking for December 2020 dates in their messages but on the "enquiry" the dates are coming up November.  The first people, I declined and asked them to resend a new enquiry but they said they have done so and it isn't showing in my calendar.  Also they have been told it's reserved and have been asked to make payment.  This seems strange to me as nothing is coming up my side.  The second people have sent an enquiry 13-23 November but in the message have askee for 13-23 December ?  I can't understand why they can't choose the exact dates they want?


Also how do I know my calendar is available say for example thru to 2022?


How do I get help from AirBnB admin or is this the only way?


Thank you!!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Julia2608 Sounds like user error to me. If the dates are wrong in an inquiry, you can modify them by clicking on Special offer and changing them. The guest will have to accept for the booking to be processed. I tried choosing a bunch of dates on your calendar, and nothing appears to be wrong. In terms of being told its reserved and being asked to make payment, I'm guessing it's just a misunderstanding because if you send a booking request, the system will ask for a credit card number. Are these guests all new to Airbnb, by any chance?


Your calendar is available for booking for all future dates.


If you have questions about how your listing looks to the guest, just go to your listing, then click the Preview button. Alternatively, you can sign out of Airbnb then find your listing as a guest would, but searching via location.


If you want to contact Airbnb to verify, you can reach them a variety of ways: see for details on how to do that.