Need help after buying a property already listed on Airbnb

Level 2
New York, NY

Need help after buying a property already listed on Airbnb

If anyone has had an experience like this please let me know how/if you got it resolved. I recently purchased a property that was already on the Airbnb platform. I have created a duplicate listing of the same condo.


The property already has a booking, and my agreement with the seller is that the proceeds from the booking are owed to me. I have tried to do this directly with the seller by asking him to reach out to the renter, cancel their booking, and then give them my link so they can rebook through my listing. Everything will be the same for the renter - same price, same dates, same property (with improvements because I am doing renovations and updating furnishings). However, the seller isn’t getting things done and is purposely not doing his part even though it is written into my purchase contract.


I have contacted Airbnb multiple times to see if they can intervene and reach out directly to the renters and they are saying they can't even though I can provide proof that I purchased the property and that the bookings should be transferred to me. I can't believe Airbnb would not be able to take care of it since the seller is not being cooperative. Now we are at risk of having renters show up at my condo and I have no idea who they are or how to contact them. This is such a mess.

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Brittany606 It would have been a better idea Brittany to set up your own new listing . All reviews go with the previous host who should have made sure all bookings had ceased before you taking the reins. I would normally tell you to sign on as co host with a change of bank account to you but I suspect the trust that you need with the seller is no longer there. This remains the hosts issue not yours and if you have a contract with the host then pursue it later. Meanwhile ask the host to discontinue completely from taking bookings and as a courtesy to you to post on the listing that there will be a new host.Set up a new listing ready to go as soon as the old host has shut down the listing . Also ask the previous host to notify Airbnb that you will be posting a new listing on such and such a date. Otherwise take all new photos , as I assume you are changing the internals and make sure none of the photos are replicas of the previous listing. Get your skates on so that you come out of this ahead of the game and not lagging behind.. Good Luck ... H

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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Brittany606 It would have been a better idea Brittany to set up your own new listing . All reviews go with the previous host who should have made sure all bookings had ceased before you taking the reins. I would normally tell you to sign on as co host with a change of bank account to you but I suspect the trust that you need with the seller is no longer there. This remains the hosts issue not yours and if you have a contract with the host then pursue it later. Meanwhile ask the host to discontinue completely from taking bookings and as a courtesy to you to post on the listing that there will be a new host.Set up a new listing ready to go as soon as the old host has shut down the listing . Also ask the previous host to notify Airbnb that you will be posting a new listing on such and such a date. Otherwise take all new photos , as I assume you are changing the internals and make sure none of the photos are replicas of the previous listing. Get your skates on so that you come out of this ahead of the game and not lagging behind.. Good Luck ... H