Hello host!! Fixing to start another Airbnb in my basement. I’ve had one since 2018. Just curious of what you guys think . The current exterior door opens up to my basement garage and the guests walk about 20’ feet before they enter their room. Question: should I keep the current door that opens up to my basement garage or add another exterior door so the new guest can walk straight in to their room. If I do add a door the new guest wouldn’t be able to use the others washer and dryer and I would also have to list it as shared. If I keep one exterior door I can add the new door entrance door to the new Airbnb room
I’m trying to picture where this new room is. If you kept the current exterior door, would the guests similarly walk 20’ through the garage to a door to the new room? If a new exterior door were added instead, would it be on the side of the house? Saying the new room would have to be listed as shared if it had a new exterior door threw me.