New security camera policy is a big security problem

Level 3
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

New security camera policy is a big security problem

This new blanket "no security cameras indoors" policy is a big security problem for owners. 

I have multiple rental units in the same building, and so while having a security camera on the outside is fine, not knowing where a potential criminal or bad actor is going on the inside of the building is a huge security risk.

The security cameras serve multiple purposes. Not only does it deter crime and bad behavior, it also serves as evidence should a crime be committed. It lets us know which renter is having people over all hours of the night for $exwork and parties. 


Imagine seeing a bunch of random people coming and leaving your building but you have no idea which unit they're going because you're not allowed to have cameras inside the building. Who do we kick out?

Our guests have commented on how we take security seriously. In a country like Mexico, where even though Puerto Vallarta is ranked the #2 safest city in all of Mexico, people are still worried about crime, and having these security cameras provide assurance to our guests.

A simple amendment to the policy to allow for cameras in common areas even if it's indoors (where there's no expectation of privacy) would be helpful.

3 Replies 3

I thought you could have cameras in the lobbies inside. Just not inside the actual unit.

They say any indoor cameras are prohibited, the exception is if they are in the common areas that are installed by the owner of the building and outside of my control, but since I own the building, they are within my control. At least that's ny understanding of it. Their policy is so loosely written it leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

Level 2
Winter Haven, FL

yes I totally agree with you, I have multiple listings in a massive 11000 square foot home, without having surveillance in lobby where everyone has access to is risky to everyone,  if I am not allowed to keep them I will take 3 of my listings down, I cant live in a home with no security. Alot of guests book with me because i have a gated home and security ,