
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session


Level 2
Buffalo, NY


Any TIPS a bit nervous and still in final prep mode to launch - ‘go live’

Top Answer

Don't be. We're all here to help (and collectively have seen it all). Remember to breathe. Do not accept any guest you don't feel comfortable with.

1. Change your settings so only guests with prior good reviews can instant book you. Other guests can "request to book."

2. Make sure your house rules indicate that only guests on the reservation are allowed. I always ask for the names of each guest that will be staying.

3. Cameras on the exterior door are key. I'm partial to Blink because the batteries last a long time compared to Ring. And no subscription needed. I was able to get notifications even when I was in Europe on vacation.

4. Enjoy! The guests that are chatty and tell you why they are coming to visit are often a joy! We consider several of our past guests friends now.

Always feel free to ask questions. I've been hosting for 8 years and I still come here to get advice from other hosts.

Welcome to the community!

View Top Answer in original post

28 Replies 28
Level 2
Sutton-in-Craven, United Kingdom

Hi Christine 

Thanks for the tips. They are most useful.

My listing has just gone live.

I have just pre-approved a guest. However I have read a poor review about the guest from another host. I am now undecided and thinking of withdrawing the approval. Do you have any advice?

My husband and I are newbies too and I was very nervous when we went 'live'.   We turned 'er on a few weeks ago and within 30hours had our first booking request! 


Gosh, it was a lot of work getting it ready physically and creating the listing but it was also fun!


I was SO nervous with the first 2 stays wondering how they would treat and leave the place (it is our home after all!)  Happy to report they were very respectful and left our house so clean and tidy.   Upon viewing the property after these  2 stays and seeing how well our cleaners cleaned, my nervousness has settled down.


My tips:   

-Create a check list of everything that you need/want done.   

-Have another set of eyes look at your listing to check for errors and be sure it's thorough.  

-Book experienced guests at first.

-Make sure you give ample time for the place to be cleaned before next guest arrives.

-Find a couple of good cleaners 

-I agree with the rest....BREATHE! 


All the Best!



Hi @Tyler-And-Lisa0 !


My name is Sam, I am a new host and I really need help to really get started. I have almost everything in place, but I need help to review my listing, and also a guide to forge ahead and succeed in this business. 


I will really appreciate your help

Liked the word “Breathe” at the end 🙂 


I agree with that 100%





Hi Anthony!  Lots of great advice from other hosts @Christine615 , @Tyler-And-Lisa0  and @Mike-And-Jane0 ! 


What a great property! You already have 4 glowing reviews and lots of bookings! Good job! You're on your way! Just a few suggested tweaks:



Add more information about your Pet Policy in Additional Rules. This will save you a lot of headaches going forward. See this thread:



CAUTION. ensure your privacy settings are up to date on Alexa. Guests can use Alexa to order from your Amazon account via your order history!


Shared Spaces – Listing Accuracy (Entire Home?)

This doesn’t seem to have been an issue for you so far! Some things to consider…


You note that Host and cleaning staff reside in sub-level basement part-time? This can be problematic if you list as “an entire home”. See this thread about a New Host who listed as an “entire home” in Seattle when she had a long-term renter in the daylight basement (she had listed the main floor on Airbnb).


Her first guest complained and her first review was 3stars. You may want to consider changing your Property type. You can still say home in your Title, but change to Entire Guest Suite in your property type.  Then highlight your square footage, both main & second floor in your first sentence of description. “Entire 2-floor home guest suite (0000sqft)!”...


If ANY spaces are occupied/shared by someone else, this needs to be disclosed in several places on the listing. Add this to Rooms & Spaces and Guest Safety Section. Since Washer/Dryer in basement, is that space shared access with host/cleaners? Is the driveway shared? Is the yard shared? Are any other spaces shared? You should also put the note in paratheses (shared) at the end of the caption on any photo showing a shared space. Guests might not read your mention of the shared space in Guest Access, but they will look at photos. This might help your case with Airbnb if a guest complains.


At a minimum, I would add the shared spaces to the Guest Safety Section. Keep screen shots of your listing areas where you indicate shared spaces. You may need this going forward as proof to Airbnb that you did disclose shared spaces on the listing if a guest complains.


A property that has host (or other persons) living in the basement and sharing spaces, should be priced lower than an “entire home.” Take a look at other properties in your area that are similar (basement occupied by host/others) and see what their price per night is.


Cover Photo

Twilight, exterior cover photos work better than interior photos. I would change your cover photo to one of the two below:

Buffalo 2.png

Buffalo 1.png


No CAPS in captions 😊.  It’s like shouting. I would reduce the number of photos to 35-40. Try not to repeat photos of the same thing. Pick your best one and delete the rest.


Add a Host Guidebook

Guests appreciate your local recommendations for shopping, entertainment and activities. It has photos that automatically appear and map pins for locations. You can attach your Guidebook to a Welcome Message when they book.


Wishing you much continued success!

Great advise I will work on making some modifications. Thank you again!~

Hi Again Anthony!

Noticed in some of your photos of vehicles that license plate numbers were clearly visible. For security reasons, you might want to blur the plate numbers, or re-take the photos so plates are not visible.

Thank you Joan… those are all my vehicles. But I appreciate your heads up!~

Thank you for reaching out and your advise.. well taken!




Questions on the following which were not fully answered by the HOST HOTLINE:


1) charging us heir electric powered vehicle with your house electricity?.


2) Items taken without permission?.


If you can assist with these concerns I would really appreciate it!

Level 2
Jounieh, Lebanon

@Anthony1799 Be natural, smile, warm greeting at arrival 

you will get amazing what an experience.

I live near by my listings, one of my guests who was staying for long, sent me a message after 4 days to check about me, because they didn’t see me for 4 days.


Thank you Airbnb for being that professional.


Dont hesitate to come back to support, they are always available, friendly, super efficient, they will always solve all your issues.


Good luck Anthony keep us posted about how you will be doing.


key word coming from me: be yourself, chill, be happy to have guests, and treats them as GUESTS.


good luck 🍀 and good day ✌🏻



I meant good day !

Great words of wisdom!… Much appreciate it! @Patrick2739 


Questions on the following which were not fully answered by the HOST HOTLINE:


1) charging us heir electric powered vehicle with your house electricity?.


2) Items taken without permission?.


If you can assist with these concerns I would really appreciate it!

Your are most welcome @Anthony1799 

1) for car electricity I personally believe in transparency, you can mention in your listing that this will be charge separately according to the consumption

make sure to have a meter calculating the usage and explain the price to the guest accordingly

2) I never had this kind of issues

one thing is sure don’t leave in your space loose items with values, like small sculpture, expensive ashtray, valuable books, keep it minimal and very simple

on the other hand contact the support in this and check with them if you need to report or not (don’t report before asking them), as I said before they are always quick and very helpful 


Have a great hosting experience ahead 


good luck 🍀✌🏻


best regards 




I am new to the Team and appreciate all that has been posted here.