Noticed Pet Friendly no longer a selectable item when searching

Level 3
Effingham, IL

Noticed Pet Friendly no longer a selectable item when searching

I am a pet friendly host and believe I get more bookings because of it.  I noticed since the recent announcement that AirBNB will start allowing pet fees it's now no longer a searchable / selectable item?  Anyone else notice this?  Believe it used to be next to smoking allowed checkbox which I DO NOT allow.

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Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Graham426 @Michael-James1 As @April403 mentioned, the option to find listings that accept pets is still available - if you start a search, you should be able to see something like this. Let us know if you don't!


Screenshot 2022-04-29 at 09.28.38.png



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65 Replies 65
Level 1

I agree the filter option has disappeared. Under House rules I now only see 'smoking allowed' option. Looks to be a system issue.

Level 3
Effingham, IL

It's actually been relocated to where you enter the # of people. 

Not so, it has an option for service dog


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Graham426 @Michael-James1 As @April403 mentioned, the option to find listings that accept pets is still available - if you start a search, you should be able to see something like this. Let us know if you don't!


Screenshot 2022-04-29 at 09.28.38.png



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Mine looks nothing like that.


It is not an option when just did my search. I will now book through VRBO.

Level 1
Grenoble, France

I agree.  I need to travel with my pet. I won't use AirBnB due to their removal of this filter.  I don't have the time to sift through each and every apartment to see if they are pet friendly. Sorry AirBnB ... moving on to other services. 

Level 1
Grenoble, France

It's back..thank goodness.  I was OFF AirBNB while they took away the ability to filter on 'pets allowed'. 





Forgot to add .. this filter is available on both the web and application.  


that's service dog

That *is* for pets. The link about Service animals says you don’t have to enter them here as they don’t count as pets

Level 1
Seattle, WA

I JUST went on to search for pet friendly places, and without the option, searching g on Airbnb is useless. Wth?

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Stephanie2303 Sorry to hear you couldn't find pet-friendly places! I've shared some screenshot earlier in this discussion to show how you can find pet-friendly listings, have a look - hopefully that'l help. 🙂





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July 2022 It’s not under the filter. You have to start to plan a trip; when you go to select “who” is traveling, if you select at least 1 for pet, then the listings returned will be pet friendly ones. 

Yes we can't search for dog friendly, that really does hurt things having to look in the descriptions for instead of searching. Ugh