Hi @Andrea6469
Luv your place! Just a few suggestions regarding photos. Statistics show most guests look at 3 things when making a booking decision:
- Cover Photo
- Title
- The Rest of Your Photos
Cover Photo
Guests may also look at your description, but most don't. Your cover photo is the number one most important aspect of your listing. You are trying to get guests to stop scrolling and click on your thumbnail cover photo. Your current photo doesn't really highlight the best most unique amenity you have. I would say it's your hot tub and back yard space (firepit, outdoor TV).
Suggest for now you try and edit the photo below (it's too dark). Try to make it lighter or re-take it at twilight and make this your cover photo. I would try to get your hot tub, fire pit, and outdoor TV in a the same shot. Kinda hard to tell if that is possible? You want all the lights on and wait until twilight and then reshoot it with Hot tub running, firepit going, and TV on. Make this your cover photo. Remember, you are trying to look different than every other listing's cover photo. Research shows that twilight, exterior photos do very well on Airbnb.

Quality of Photos
Good photos are key to the success of your listing. Many of your photos are blurred, or don't have captions? Let your photos tell the story of your listing. Have a friend who is good with taking cell phone photos help you re-take your photos and edit them. You can also consider professional photos; they are worth the investment. You will probably spend maybe $300-$700 for professional photos. However, you will get a good return relatively quickly on that investment with increased bookings and you can deduct the cost on your taxes.