Please I need some advice of my listings

Level 2
Miami, FL

Please I need some advice of my listings


Hello! I manage around 18 properties in Miami, but I am just gonna ask you to give me some advice about these 3 I posted here on the links.

I have tried to make better photos myself and edit them in Lightroom, however competition in Miami has been really hard and new houses appearing on the market are not helping at all for my business. My houses are not brand new or new renovated because we have been in the market for 7 years, from the beginning of Airbnb. Doing renovations will be highly costly for me having in mind that the market has been hard the last 2 years for me. I would really appreciate any advice that is low budget and can make a difference. Also you opinion on the pictures is more than welcomed. 
Be very honest, that help me more. Thanks very much for your time Airbnb Community!



1 Best Answer

Hi @Maria17956 !

Wow...thats alot of work trying to care for all the properties! Agree with @Helen3, it is critical to get those review numbers on cleanliness and accuracy much higher. One thing that you absolutely must have is a clean property. Even if you don't have all the "bells & whistles" amenities, if the property is clean and the price is right, you'll get booked. One option might be selling one of the properties (I'm assuming they are owned?) to get enough funds to upgrade the other properties? Just a thought 🤔  @Helen3  had some good suggestions on how to decorate on a budget.



To really address the cleaning issues, you may have to block some days to inspect and thoroughly clean the properties. Do one property at a time - pick dates mid-week, or "orphan days" between bookings that aren't likely to be booked. Reliable cleaners are a must! They are worth their weight in gold!  You might have to go on the hunt for new cleaners and then work hard to keep the good ones! You might have to pay a higher wage to get that, but it's worth it!  Regular inspections of the property are a must to ensure cleaning is being done properly and regular maintenance performed and repairs addressed. Many Hosts schedule regular maintenance and thorough cleaning every few months. Things like ceiling fan blades, exhaust fans, etc.


More Help

Since this is a large portfolio, you might consider having another local co-host/friend to assist you. Not sure if that is an option or not? It would be better to have fewer properties that are well-cared for with good reviews and ratings, then numerous properties that aren't performing due to low ratings.


Wish you the best! Let us know how it goes!

View Best Answer in original post

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Wow you do have a large portfolio @Maria17956 


if you have a property for a long period ie seven years it's always worth investing some of your profits in ongoing maintenance and upgrades.


looking at your listings  you have low ratings for cleanliness/value and accuracy so if you want to improve your bookings they are the areas you could focus on. 


if you want to do things on a budget find charity shop furniture/accessories or look on places like FB marketplace. 

your focus should be on upgrades and maintenance that appeal to guests who you have identified as your target market @Maria17956 

Hi @Maria17956 !

Wow...thats alot of work trying to care for all the properties! Agree with @Helen3, it is critical to get those review numbers on cleanliness and accuracy much higher. One thing that you absolutely must have is a clean property. Even if you don't have all the "bells & whistles" amenities, if the property is clean and the price is right, you'll get booked. One option might be selling one of the properties (I'm assuming they are owned?) to get enough funds to upgrade the other properties? Just a thought 🤔  @Helen3  had some good suggestions on how to decorate on a budget.



To really address the cleaning issues, you may have to block some days to inspect and thoroughly clean the properties. Do one property at a time - pick dates mid-week, or "orphan days" between bookings that aren't likely to be booked. Reliable cleaners are a must! They are worth their weight in gold!  You might have to go on the hunt for new cleaners and then work hard to keep the good ones! You might have to pay a higher wage to get that, but it's worth it!  Regular inspections of the property are a must to ensure cleaning is being done properly and regular maintenance performed and repairs addressed. Many Hosts schedule regular maintenance and thorough cleaning every few months. Things like ceiling fan blades, exhaust fans, etc.


More Help

Since this is a large portfolio, you might consider having another local co-host/friend to assist you. Not sure if that is an option or not? It would be better to have fewer properties that are well-cared for with good reviews and ratings, then numerous properties that aren't performing due to low ratings.


Wish you the best! Let us know how it goes!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello, @Maria17956 , have you had the opportunity to review the suggestions from @Joan2709  and @Helen3 


Please keep us posted.



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