My primary listing East Austin Boho Chic has over 5 bookings...
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My primary listing East Austin Boho Chic has over 5 bookings and has had 2 of them fulfilled. Yet the custom promotion option...
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I've reviewed the new rule-set capability, but it doesn't seem to address my issue. I have an event in February 2019, and would like to prevent any check-ins or check-outs for the two-week period I will be gone. I don't want to block those days, as it's fine for existing guests to be there while I'm gone. I just don't want changeovers happening during that period.
I tried selecting the specific dates and applying the rule-set function, but no dice: it insists I have to allow check-in on at least one day a week.
"it's fine for existing guests to be there while I'm gone. I just don't want changeovers happening during that period."
How much of those 2 weeks the 'existing' guests are indeed willing to grab? Then whatever is 'left' set a minimum-stay number that is higher than the days you will be gone to prevent a brand-new guest (and changeover)? Or why not just block the days then, if you do not want a changeover while you are gone?
Hi @Dee33
I had a similar situation, and found a bit of a workaround: create two (or more) different rule sets - in Rule Set A, you allow check-ins on Sundays (for example). But you apply Rule set A to Monday through Saturday of the first week (so that the check-ins on Sundays doesn't even apply). In Rule Set B, you allow check-ins on a different day (maybe Saturdays?), but then you apply Rule Set B to the next Sunday through Friday (so again, the check-in on Saturdays wouldn't apply). And so on...
I was only trying to block off check-ins for one full week, so two rule sets was enough for me - since you're trying to block off two weeks worth of check-in days, you might need to create more.
I hope that's helpful! I'm not sure if I'm explaining it very clearly.
Hi, my question is related to this one, but the above responses don't actually answer the question.
I have two holiday homes on my private property, so do not have 'staff' or anyone who can cover for me (except in an emergency - related to an existing booking). My minumum stay is set at 3 nights (it is a holiday cottage, not a bedroom) - so if, for example, I have a personal commitment (doctors appointment, dentist, party, lunch invitation or whatever) of Day 2, that doesnt affect the clients as they are already here - but is there a way to prevent checkin/out on a specific day which doesn't stop people booking to be here, bridging the specific day?
Hi @Lis15,
If you just need to block off one day when you have a doctor's appointment (or anything else), then you just use the rule sets as they're provided. If, for example you have a doctor's appointment on a Wednesday, you can create a rule set called 'doctor' and set it so that check-ins are allowed any day except Wednesdays. You apply that rule set to the week of your doctor's appointment, and then people will be able to book your place to arrive on Monday, Tuesday... any day except Wednesday.
You can easily create a new rule set for any special appointment or obligation as they come up.
I wish there would be a feature to disallow check-ins and check out on legal holidays.
@Rivkah1 There is a feature to do what you want. Just switch on pro tools from your account and then add a ruleset for the dates of each holiday that stops check in/out on that day of the week.
The issue with this is that it prevents a new reservation from starting during the selected dates. A new reservation starting during the selected dates is fine because you can prepare the room before you leave on holiday. The issue is the checking-out and then the checking-in of a new reservation when you're away
What we really need is the ability to simply be able to prevent more than one booking within a range of dates. see my comment below.
perhaps there is a way of doing this that i don't know of
Thank you! I was not aware of the pro tools feature as I just have 2 properties. I opted in and I am waiting for them to activate this. Thanks again for this tip!
What we really need is the ability to simply be able to prevent more than one booking within a range of dates. so that would allow:
1) an existing reservation extending through the entire range
2) an existing reservation checking-out in the range
3) a new reservation to start in the range
but nothing else. simple put: prevent more than one booking within a range of dates.
is this possible?
@Mike2674 I don't think what you want is possible. You can however just keep an eye on the dates in question and then block the nights before or after a booking so no one else can check in/out once the first booking is made.
Has this been resolved? I need to figure out a way to prevent someone from booking a reservation where they are checking in on a holiday, e.g. Thanksgiving Day. I just had someone book for checking in on TG, and I have someone checking out that day as well. I don't want my cleaners to have to work on a holiday. Guests can stay during the holidays of course. I just want to spare my cleaners from having to clean on an actual holiday. If anyone has figured this out, please let me know!
@Jennifer3500 I think your requirement is easy. Switch on pro tools from your account and then apply a ruleset over the relevant holiday that doesn't allow check in or check out on the relevant day of the week.
So for Christmas you would put a ruleset in for say Dec 24-26 and not allow check in on whatever day of the week Christmas Day falls.