Requesting Critique for My Listing

Level 2
Jakarta, Indonesia

Requesting Critique for My Listing

Dear all, 


I’m lita widjaja from Indonesia.


1. I really need your advice for my listing (critique) please, here is my link
2. besides that i have 1 problem when check out 

How can we ask politely to check all our property before check out process, or we don’t need that process to make our guests more comfortable?


thank you 


[Post moved to "Ask About Your Listing" for relevancy by OCM]

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Jakarta, Indonesia


Level 8
Almaty, Kazakhstan

       1. Nice looking house you rent out! I enjoyed the photo tour! Lovely house. Is it far from the capital? In Bali? Do you have Netflix on your Android TV? I would add more details about the amenities, approximate distances to main attractions, to/from the airport/bus station, any information what you can do in your free time there. WiFi speed is 3Mb? Seriously? It seems to be slow. Even 4G/LTE should be at least 15-20Mbps.


      2. I use a check list where I have all important things inside the property listed. I usually do the check after a guest' leaving, because it'd take a lot of time to do that while a guest is in the property. I only do the basic checking while a guest is preparing to check out. I think that sounds reasonable.