Review Of Listings Due to Low Bookings

Review Of Listings Due to Low Bookings

Hi Dear Members,


We have been getting low bookings from the last month. Is it because of a low booking period for Egypt? Or, is there anything wrong with the listings? Your advice and guidance will be greatly appreciated!

1 Reply 1
Level 3
Santa Monica, CA

hey @BnbHubs0 ,

It’s understandable to be concerned about a drop in bookings. There are a few factors to consider that might be affecting your listing, especially in a location like Egypt, where tourism can be seasonal. Here are some tips to help you evaluate and potentially improve your situation:

  1. Seasonal Trends: Indeed, Egypt can experience fluctuations in tourism based on the season. Check if this low booking period aligns with seasonal trends. Understanding the high and low seasons can help you adjust your expectations and strategies.

  2. Review Your Listing: Make sure your listing is fully optimized. Check if your photos are high-quality, your description is accurate and engaging, and your pricing is competitive. An updated listing that reflects current amenities and local attractions can attract more interest.

  3. Adjust Your Pricing: Consider offering discounts or promotions, especially during slower periods. Lowering your rates or creating special offers can attract more guests and help fill your calendar.

  4. Engage with Guests: Promptly respond to inquiries and booking requests. High responsiveness can improve your listing’s visibility and appeal.

  5. Increase Visibility: Ensure your listing is optimized for search. Use relevant keywords and update your listing regularly to maintain high search rankings.

  6. Enhance Guest Experience: A well-designed welcome book can significantly improve guest satisfaction. Providing clear information about your property and local recommendations helps set the right expectations and can lead to better reviews. Many hosts have found that customizable welcome books are a great addition to their listings. If you're interested, you might find some useful options at 

    here or simply google them.

  7. Seek Feedback: If possible, ask recent guests for feedback on their stay. Understanding their experience can help identify areas for improvement.

I hope these suggestions help you boost your bookings. Best of luck with your listing!