Why does my listing does not show up when searching for one night stay?

Level 2
Baltimore, MD

Why does my listing does not show up when searching for one night stay?

Recently, my AirBnB listing does not show up in searches when looking for reservations of one night. It will only show up when looking for places that are available for at least 2 nights. When searching for locations without a specific date set, the listing will appear first. This issue specificly relates to searches for only one night.


My minimum reservation requirement is set to 1 night and my maximum is set to 5 nights. My maximum accomodated guests is set to 3.


I've seen a few people post on this forum within the last month saying they've experienced similar issues. I'm hoping this isn't a problem specific to me and would be gracious if somebody could let me know whether or not this is a website-wide issue.


The listing can be found here: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/9647531

Top Answer

@Eric48 There is definitely something strange going on. Regardless of how I search, I can sometimes get your listing to appear, but other times, not. Even when I search for 2 or more specific (and open) dates. And, for a bit of extra weirdness, if I repeat the exact same search after clearing/closing my browser, its a crap shoot whether you show up or not. As in random.


This may seem like an odd suggestion, but in case AirBnB's database has gotten out of whack (especially if they have mirrored copies of their database), you might try going to most of the major settings (# of guests, beds, bedrooms, private/entire, etc) and reset them to some other value (doesn't matter what, just something different) -- keeping careful track of which ones you change. After you've reset several, clear your cache/history, close your browser and restart. Then go back and reset each of the changed items to its proper value. Be sure to use ONLY the Chrome browser when you do this.


That *might* refresh your listing in their database. I've had this happen on a smaller scale (and a different issue) for my listing.


If none of that helps, definitely get in touch with AirBnB.

View Top Answer in original post

59 Replies 59
Level 10
Austin, TX

@Eric48, as almost ALWAYS (99% of the time, and I mean that), when hosts complain that their listing isn't appearing in searches, that turns out to be incorrect. I searched for your place with minimal filters (private room, 2 beds, price range narrowed to $30-50; nothing more) and your place popped up 3rd among a group of maybe 40. This was true whether I searched w/o specific dates or searched for a specifc-date, 1-night listing (for a night that I'd previously confirmed was actually available, using a different browser).


Your own test-searches were either overly broad (leaving you to scroll through 9,000 hits) or were for dates that your place did not have available. Note that a looker cannot specify 1 or 2 or any specific number of nights (date-free); they can only search w/o specific dates or with specific dates.

Thank you so much for your in-depth reply, Dede. I really appreciate the insight. However, I'd like to share with you what the search looks like from my point of view. I've made an imgur album with screenshots of my browser: http://imgur.com/a/dPag8


In the album, I've detailed what each picture shows; but, to summarize, I searched for my listing using the exact same search criteria you mentioned in your original post. I set the check-in date to 5/21 and the check-out date to 5/22. I confirmed the location is available between 5/21 to 5/24. My listing could not be found on any page in either Google Chrome's Incognito Mode or Internet Explorer. Another image shows the check-out date changed from 5/22 to 5/23. Nothing else was edited. This updated search criteria shows my listing in either the third or fourth position, depending on the browser.


Dede, with our results differing when using the same search criteria, I am assuming the listings that are shown as available are inconsistent between computers/locations/IP-addresses. Knowing that my location shows up on your end is reassuring, though. That means it is at least being seen by some portion of users. I'd be very thankful for any other insight you'd be able to provide.

(Many apologies for the double post)


Here is an AirBnB thread posted a week ago from a user experiencing what seems to be the exact same issue: https://community.airbnb.com/t5/General-Hosting/2-night-stay-listing-not-showing-up/m-p/72995#M19936

@Eric48 There is definitely something strange going on. Regardless of how I search, I can sometimes get your listing to appear, but other times, not. Even when I search for 2 or more specific (and open) dates. And, for a bit of extra weirdness, if I repeat the exact same search after clearing/closing my browser, its a crap shoot whether you show up or not. As in random.


This may seem like an odd suggestion, but in case AirBnB's database has gotten out of whack (especially if they have mirrored copies of their database), you might try going to most of the major settings (# of guests, beds, bedrooms, private/entire, etc) and reset them to some other value (doesn't matter what, just something different) -- keeping careful track of which ones you change. After you've reset several, clear your cache/history, close your browser and restart. Then go back and reset each of the changed items to its proper value. Be sure to use ONLY the Chrome browser when you do this.


That *might* refresh your listing in their database. I've had this happen on a smaller scale (and a different issue) for my listing.


If none of that helps, definitely get in touch with AirBnB.

I'll try all of that lickety split. Thank you so so so much, Dede. You've been a humungous help. Can't overstate how thankful I am. I'll update this thread with a reply after I try your suggestions.

@Eric48, I've been too busy to continue experimenting, but I did play around with your listing on Friday and I could *not* figure out any pattern to the odd behavior. I'll try to mess around again on Sunday or Monday. This intrigues me...


Meanwhile, if you figure anything out yourself or get any definitive feedback from AirBnB, please keep us informed!

Did you end up getting your issue resolved? I'm having the same problem (not showing up for 1 or 2 night stays, even though my minimum is 1).

@Eric48 (and @Greg14, I believe you saw and followed up there) -- Another host posted today about a similar problem and I went and played around and confirmed that one of their listings never shows up for single-day, specific-date searches. (For dates that I knew were not already booked.) That host said that they had a phone conversation with someone at AirBnB who stated that AirBnB was "experimenting" with only showing search results for 3 or more days. I personally find that hard to believe, and it doesn't actually even correspond with what I experimentally found with that host's listing. (I could find them even with specific 2-day searches, just not with specific 1-day searches.) Nonetheless, I do think something at AirBnB is either broken OR is a victim of some kind of rogue testing by AirBnB.


Get in contact with them and provide them with a very specific, reproducible (and bullet-proof) example that will prove to them what you're experiencing.

On my call to Airbnb earlier today, the man I spoke with tried out multiple dates across different months, so he has many examples of the problem...I hope that the people he's passing this on to will get on the problem ASAP. I'm losing out on valuable income to cover my vacation home ownership in the offseason! 

@Greg14 This may seem like a weird suggestion (and I have no idea if it would alter the buggy behavior for better or worse), but you might try setting a 2-day minimum for your listing(s). That could affect the way the searches work. And how many 1-day listings do you normally get (or even want) anyway. Just a thought...

@Dede0 Thank you for the idea. I gave it a try and it didn't result in any changes.

@Greg14 and @Eric48 It was a long-shot idea. Sorry it didn't work.


We also started another post on May 2nd refering to this problem.


Sorry you are having this problem too. We have called Customer Service 3 x with nothing being fixed. We also depend on single night bookings for 95% of our business. We added a new listing to our current one last month, so now we have 2 rooms. If a "general search" is done for our area with no date restrictions than our all of our listing show up. However, if you put a specific date (one night stay), no listings show up. Although it seems everyone else in our area has listing show for one night. I think this problem started when they added the new feature about if you accept children, pets, parties, etc.. Feel as though some kind of computer glitch with Airbnb program.

Last night we started a new listing for our property. If the old one is not fixed soon then we will delete it. We have also lost all of our 86 Five-star reviews and Super Host designation. Starting from scratch after working so hard.

Airbnb will also being losing money and our State Hotel tax we pay.


Jim & Crys

I've got the same problem.


If I search for my listing in specific Saturdays in  June, then I get nothing coming up, however if I do exactly the same search for September then my listing appears.  


I was trying to set up 2 listings for the same address as sometimes we use one bedroom and other times 2, but I deleted the new listing.  However since I started the new listing in September I'm wondering if it has kept the start date and availability of the new listing, (even though the exisiting and listing I am using now is showing with the availability on the calendar.


Can anyone tell me how to contact airb&b because I can't find the contact details for them.