Review not showing up

Level 2
Vernon Hills, IL

Review not showing up



We have 2 reviews that were submitted from guests that stayed at our property and they were submitted within the 14 day timeframe.  I see these reviews when I look at my hosting dashboard, but these reviews don't show up when I just search for my property like a potential renter would do.  


Thanks in advance for your help!

4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Glori690 

I just checked your list as a guest, I see 2 reviews, from "Brian" and "Nancy", 5*

Thanks @Roberta2 !


I see the reviews when we click on the listing, but on the search page it doesn't show 2 reviews in the upper right hand corner of the listing.  In the screen shot below we can see that they have 12 reviews, but nothing is showing for our listing.  Do you see the same as what we are seeing?



@Glori690It won't show until you have at least 3 reviews for the property. 

@Alexandra316 Thanks!