Kindly critique my listing to improve my hosting.
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Kindly critique my listing to improve my hosting.
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In the Stats tab, my views statistics haven't updated. It says data is delayed for 3 days but last view stat is on April 2.
Anyone experiencing the same problem?
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@Jill381 and @JayandWayne0 It's a global problem. No one is getting the views updated. AirBnB is aware of the issue, but has given no timeframe for the fix.
My stats are also not updating since April 2nd. No contact or announcement from Airbnb. How long will this continue!!!
Oh well, I thought it was views, enquires or bookings since the 2nd April. I know a lot of people viewed my listing as I published it on my social network, and yet no views.
Just checked stats from Ipad and it actually said 78 views for April!
I should be worried but I'm glad that I'm not the only one having this problem. If the "stats" aren´t working I wouldn´t worry to much about it as this won´t be the first time. I've stopped paying atention to them since long time ago because many times they were inconsistent with my amount of reservations or activity. However I was much worried about the lack of inquires/bookings. In one of my listings I only got "2" reservations in April (last one a few mintes ago), and "0" in the other one which is kind of ironic as I have recently made a big investment in the second one. took new pictures, keep my price tag and yet results are terrible (0 bookings!). It is low season here but this one looks like "none" season. My availability calendar is a blank page after April-27 so I'm surprise no one not even "sniffs" into my place.
hi from athens, greece...
the same here; april the 2nd is the last day with a bar.
pls, fix it!
YEP! STATS view not working since April 2 as well for any of my listings. I know FOR sure it has to be broken because I've had a couple of Guests write "I know this is a last minute, same day request, but can you Host us tonight? " And we've had 2 of those. One was for someone coming in for business at the last minute for our 1 Bed listing and another (group of 14 Guests) for our 6 Bedroom listing, who had to come to our town suddenly for a family member's death and then funeral (our 4th this month....bizarre, huh?)
So it appears its the entire site.
Hope that helps!
I don´t know if this is related to the "Stats" thing but my "Save to Wish List" number isn´t working neither. To clarify, I'm refering to the count number that sits below the Save to Wish List button that shows how many people have saved your listing to their wish lists and it should stand also to how popular is your listing.
Well, unfortunately that number is frozen in "1855" since months ago which it is strange as it was very active before. I have asked a bunch of friends of mine to add my listing to their Wish List to see if there was something wrong and here is the crazy thing. The number actually increases but after a few hours or a day it rolls back to its original value, so I'm always in "1855".
Same here, no stats update on desktop site since April 2nd. I have had an instant booking since then, a couple of days ago, although the guest said there was a problem with making the booking from her end, although it appears to have gone through OK. I don't know whether this is related or not?
Hello all,
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Lizzie and I manage the Community Center here, it is lovely to meet you.
I wanted to thank you for highlighting this here in CC, it is really useful and to let you know I am feeding this directly back to the team.
A host has posted today that her stats have now been updated, so hopefully yours have too or will do shortly.
Do keep me posted 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Thank you Lizzie, mine is working now.
Hi Lizzie,
I was working with support on this and my stats updated on the 11th, but they have not updated since. I know there is activity from my "Wish List" and I have had a booking which is not showing.
Can this be looked at again?
On my account the Save to Wish List number is not growing and I know it is glitch.
That number is almost the same as it was 2/3 months ago so I have asked several friends on mine to Wish listed me to see if there was a problem and despite the number inscreases at first, then (after a day or 2) it rolls back to how it was before.
Hi Lizzie,
When the Stats view problem occured the request went totally down and the views came down with it. I update time to time my calendar and pricing, I even had an average of views 7-10 views a day before the problem. A few weeks ago I was in 2nd to 3rd page (depends on the filters) but now I noticed im on the 16th page.
Why is there a sudden change?
Hello Lizzi,
Our stats page also isnt updating. We have had friends try to search for our two listings and its a hit and miss search.
Some people find us in the first page of listings others the last page and for some no listing at all. What is the deal.
Thank you for your help
hi Liz,
Its happening again. My last stat was April 28. Hope tech support can resolve this.