This is Carnaval week in Portugal, with many parades and fes...
This is Carnaval week in Portugal, with many parades and festive events. I will be performing with a samba group in Cascais, ...
Hello all,
Airbnb has released a new design for searching using Airbnb categories. I notice 2 that specifically apply to my property: "Amazing views" and "Cabin". However, when I filter on these categories, one at a time, in my specific area, my property does not appear.
How does airbnb determine which properties fall into a specific category? And is there anything that can be done to get my property in a category? This is going to be problematic to Hosts if Customers are relying heavily on these category filters for searching and Airbnb is leaving out host properties that most definitely apply to those categories.
I'd like to see if others see the same issue when searching on categories that apply to yours properties in your specific area.
I have the same concern. My Bradenton house is definitely a “designer” place and doesn’t show and my other condo which wouldn’t fall into any “category” other than awesome views I feel is just left behind. I noticed a decrease in my bookings since they started this and all of my places are awesome with stellar reviews.
Since the change to categories, I am getting no requests, even w/ changing some key words in the listing "tropical beach", and "Gourmet kitchen"... I have adjusted prices too. Seems my listing has fallen aside when it has been doing so well! I am a Premier Host and have all 5 star reviews. Hoping ABB will help us, or go back to what worked for hosts. Wondering if ABB has seen a decline in fees? That should trigger a re-think!
They are throwing their hosts right in the hands of the small management companies who have their own rental platforms. It’s a crying shame and I feel so betrayed.
I am superhost for 4 5 star sites and one of them is tinyhouse that has been around a few years, many reviews and it is not even showing up on the map when looking at tiny house catagory and is not on any of the pages when you are looking for tiny house. There are several in my area that have not been long established , but they are showing up on first page.....what the hell ? I saw a comment from Airbnb that availability has effect on where you get placed so if you are popular and doing your job well, you get penalized and dont even show up. They are looking to give advantage to those that are either new or not so successful to increase bookings rather than reward hosts that put the work in.
Could someone at Airbnb tell me why my tiny house is not on map and not showing on any pages ??
Bluebird Tiny House Forest Retreat - Tiny houses for Rent in Warner Springs, California, United States - Airbnb
Hi @Laurie643,
Did you get a chance to talk to Customer Support about your listing not appearing in the Tiny House category? The process evolved over the last few weeks and if you contact them now, they should be able to assist you with this.
If you have already and are still stuck, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to nudge them on your query. 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Hi Emillie....I am reaching out to them now. After looking into it further, none of my four 5 star listing are on the map as of yesterday and none of them show up in their catagories. You would need to do a search for my small rural community to see the listings. I'm a superhost and really feel all time, money spent on photography and work I have put into creating a wonderful guest experience is wasted since they rolled out this disaster. I am going to start listing on to try and make up for income loss. If you could get any answers for me, I would very much appreciate it. My listings are Bluebird Tiny House, Pinky's Nature Hideout, Camp Chester Magic Forest Retreat and Camp Ribbonwood. All in San Diego County mountains. Thank you.
@Laurie643 If you're reached out to them just now and asked them to get your listings into the suitable Categories, they should be able to help! Let's give them a bit of time to review your query and support you, however if you need more help afterwards drop me a note and I'll see what I can do. 🙏
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
I have a similar issue. I have several properties that are not properly categorized in the "National Parks" category. I have called, message, tweeted and even had a zoom meeting with someone at Airbnb about this. I can't even begin to tell you my frustrations over the responses I have received.
All of these post show what an issue the new categories is creating. I'm in the middle of a ridiculous trap with customer service. My listing is within a ski resort directly on a ski run. My categories were amazing views, skiing and play. I have amazing views and skiing. Play includes basketball courts and a waterslide which they called out - not even close. I have contacted Airbnb at least 5 times. They promptly took off the basketball court and waterslide stuff. But also took off the category "skiing." What! I'm in a ski resort. I'm trying to get listed in the filters for ski in ski out. They say that my property doesn't qualify for ski in ski out. I sent them a google map showing my property directly on the ski run, links to other condos in my building with the ski in ski out category, pictures of my condo 10 steps from the run, reviews from my guests saying how great the ski in ski out is. Nope - I don't qualify. This listing is the definition of ski in ski out. What a mess. They need to fix this or get rid of it. Ski in ski out is my best attribute. I know I'm missing bookings because of potential guests filtering for this category. The customer service people don't even know how to manage this and seem to have no authority over helping hosts. I keep getting messages in my inbox that I can't reply to so I have to call them again and go over everything again. Super frustrated.
Hey there @Ken-And-Carol1,
I'm so sorry to hear that the correct categories are not being added. I understand your frustration. I'm also concerned about the potential bug with your inbox. I'm going to pop you a DM for more info.